Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Why and When to Fast: Gospel of Mark (Part 4)

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Mark 2:19-20
Jesus said to them, “The wedding guests cannot fast while the groom is with them, can they? As long as they have the groom with them, they cannot fast.20 But the time[f] will come when the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast on that day.

In a prosperous nation like the United States, the idea of fasting can have the meaning of one either fasting due to some pending medical procedure or one living in need and unable to afford food for a meal.  However, this is not what Mark 2:19-20 means by fasting.  This passage is speaking of spiritual fasting which has a history in scripture with people fasting for various reasons.

1)      When in great need for Godly intervention (Nehemiah 1:4; Daniel 9:3) – Nehemiah fasted upon word the wall of protection around Jerusalem had broken down.  However, alarming, or bad news can cause an unhealthy loss of appetite.  It is important to note that Nehemiah combined fasting and praying meaning his fasting was to seek Godly direction and not due to grief.  Nehemiah 2 records Gods intervention that came because of Nehemiah’s prayer during his time of fasting indicating that Nehemiah’s fasting brought God’s intervention.  Daniel also prayed for Godly direction, knowing the time of Israel’s exile was coming to an end and the people needed to repent (Daniel 9:1-19)
2)      Deprivation of the flesh to seek a deeper closeness with God (Isaiah 58:5) – In Romans 12:2, scripture teaches not to conform to the world and its manner of thinking but to instead allow God’s Word to transform our minds.  In the beatitudes, Jesus taught that the poor in spirit will inherit the Kingdom of God (Matthew 5:3).  Temporary deprivation of the flesh through fasting also results in weakness of the human spirit.  With the human spirit weak, one must humbly draw closer to God, relying on His strength.  The spiritual discipline of fasting assists in this humbling process. 
3)      Prior to beginning a new phase of ministry or life (Matthew 4:2) – After Jesus baptism, he is immediately tempted by the devil after forty days of fasting.  In this extremely weakened state, Jesus had to depend totally upon His heavenly Father.  While weakening one’s physical body prior to facing a major challenge or change in one’s life may seem crazy, especially for Jesus who is about to embark on three-and-one-half years of intensive ministry, culminating on His brutal death on the cross.  The logical thing to do is spend these forty days strengthening the body, but it is not the physical body that must have the greatest strength, but the spiritual body.  Therefore, fasting to grow closer spiritually to God is necessary. 

There was no need for fasting by the Disciples of Jesus for they had God with them.  God with them through Jesus provided Godly intervention when in need such as Jesus silencing the storm (Mark 4:35-41).  There was no need for seeking closeness to God for they were with God every day.  The Disciples had not yet started their ministry and therefore had no need to fast, but after Jesus’ ascension to God, they did fast (Acts 13:2; Acts 14:23). 

Of the four spiritual disciplines of meditation, prayer, Bible study, and fasting, fasting is most likely the least practiced.  Unless there is a medical reason for which someone cannot fast, I want to urge everyone reading this to add fasting to their spiritual disciplines to draw closer to God until Jesus returns to be with us.  However, if you are reading this and have not accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation from sins, I urge you to pray with me now. 

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

If you just prayed with you have complete forgiveness of your sins.  I now urge you to establish a closer relationship with God through the practice of meditation, prayer, Bible study, and fasting.  I also encourage you to find a church teaching the Bible so you can be with those believing as you do now.  May God bless everyone reading this. 

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