By: Dr. Dale Weckbacher
is this thing that He said, “You will seek Me and not find Me, and where I
am you cannot come?”
When we look around us
and observe God’s wonderful creation it becomes clear that God is a God of
order. The phases of the moon are twenty-eight days. The Earth orbits the Sun
once every 365 and ¼ days. Scientists can precisely predict the location of the
moon and planets at a future date making it possible to send men to the moon
and probes to the other planets. This leads to the question of how there could
be religious confusion regarding God’s Word. The answer to this question lies
in differing interpretations of the meaning of passages in Scripture, something
this text points out. The Pharisees and chief priests were confused by what
Jesus said because they did not know who Jesus was.
Jesus has performed many miracles
and signs, with some done on the Sabbath, causing many Jews to plot to kill Him.
However, many who witnessed Jesus’ discourse with the Jews at the Feast of
Tabernacles wondered why they did not kill Jesus when He was with them (John
7:25). These Jews also observed the boldness with which Jesus spoke and
wondered if the failure of the religious leaders to kill Jesus meant they
believed Jesus was the Christ (John
7:26). However, this brought religious confusion because even though Jesus
spoke boldly and did many miracles, they knew where Jesus was from and believed
one could not know where the Christ was from (John
As He taught in the
Temple, Jesus cried out saying, “You both know Me, and you know where I am
from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is
true, whom you do not know.” (John
7:28). Adding to the confusion Jesus told them He knows God, is from God,
and that God sent Him (John
7:29). This enraged the Jews, with them seeking to kill Him, but no one
laid a hand upon Him because his time of crucifixion had not come (John
7:30). Many others believed in Jesus wondering that when the Christ came
would He do more signs and miracles than Jesus had done (John
Word of many coming to
believe in Jesus caused the Pharisees to send officers to Jesus to take him (John
7:32). Jesus then spoke and added to the confusion by telling them He would
be with them for a little while longer and then return to God who sent Him (John
7:33). Jesus then told them that they would seek Him but could not come to
where He was going (John
7:34). This added to the confusion of the Jews with them now wondering
where Jesus intended to go speculating that He would go to the Greeks to teach
them (John
Jesus said He came from
God the Father and would return to Him causing confusion among religious
leaders wondering if Jesus was the Christ, confused because they knew where He
came from. The many signs and miracles done by Jesus were causing many to believe
and follow Jesus, threatening the religious power the Pharisees and chief
priests had over the people (John
7:31). Especially troubling to these leaders was Jesus' performance of
miracles on the Sabbath, viewing this as work which was strictly prohibited
during the Sabbath (Leviticus
23:3; Matthew 12:9-14). Jesus then
adds to their confusion by saying He is Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew
12:8). The Pharisees and chief priests abused the commandment to honor the
Sabbath as a day of rest to prohibit any work on that day with Jesus
threatening the religious power they had over the people. This is why they
plotted to kill Jesus when he did miracles on the Sabbath (Matthew
12:14). Religious confusion prevented the religious leaders and many Jews
from knowing who Jesus was and prevented them from following and believing in
Many in the Church, and
even Church leaders have academic knowledge of the Bible and know who Jesus was
but do not have a relationship with Him. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the
well that true worshippers of God worship in spirit and truth (John
4:24). While academic knowledge of the Word of God is something one should
aspire to achieve, it is dead if not accompanied by a relationship with the
author of the Bible. Imagine if you were to have a relationship with your
favorite author and could ask them why they wrote what they wrote. This would
be especially true if something they wrote was confusing to you.
Knowing Jesus as one’s
personal savior eliminates religious confusion because we know the author of
the Bible and have the Holy Spirit within us to give interpretation (John
16:13). When we have the Holy Spirit within us through a relationship with
God through Christ, the Word of God is illuminated in our hearts and the Word
becomes a light guiding our lives (Psalm
119:105). The message of the Bible does not need to be confusing for it is
simple. We are sinners (Romans
3:23) and live under the death penalty for our sins but Jesus came to give
us eternal life (Romans
6:23). The gift of eternal life is free for us but came at a high price,
the death of God’s only Son Jesus (Ephesians
2:8-9; Romans 5:8). To receive this gift one has to confess Jesus as their
Lord with their mouth and believe in their heart (Romans
If you believe in your
heart that Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the grave but have not made a
public confession of this belief, I invite you to pray with me now,
Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans
and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans
6:23). I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse
me as you promise in your Word (1
John 1:9). I believe
you died, spent three days in the grave, and resurrected from the dead and now
declare you Lord of my life.
I invite you to let
someone know of your decision or to comment on this post about your decision. I
also encourage you to become involved in a Church teaching the Bible and
following through with baptism. May God challenge and bless everyone reading
this post.