On Thursday June 28, 2012 the US Supreme Court issued a surprising decision that upheld the individual mandate of Obamacare, claiming it was a tax. (1) Conservatives, like me, had the initial reaction of anger followed by disgust and frustration. One of my co-workers even said that the United States was officially a socialist country. However, as the day progressed I realized that this ruling was a huge wake-up call for conservatives and the tea party.
I remember when this legislation was being debated in Congress and hundreds of thousands of people, people who had never protested before, were out front of the capitol letting their legislators know their dislike for this program.
I remember that the final draft of the bill, which was over 2700 pages long, was rushed through Congress without giving anyone time to read it first. Speaker Pelosi even stated, “We have to pass the bill in order to see what is in it.” I wonder if she does the same thing when she signs a contract to buy a new home or car.
The Congress did eventually pass the legislation against the wishes of the American people and the people showed their disgust by returning control of the House of Representatives back to the Republicans and taking away the filibuster proof majority in the Senate. However, since that time, we have heard little from the tea party leading some to believe it was just a fad and had lost its effectiveness.
According to Mike Flynn at Breitbart.com,” today's ruling will probably go down in history as the most effective GOP voter turnout operation ever.” (2) The liberals may have thought they silenced the tea party but the truth is they were only taking a break in preparation for the November election. In effect, this ruling has awoken the sleeping giant, the American People.
I believe the American people are fed up with some faceless government official trying to tell them what kind of car to drive, what kind of light bulb to buy, what they can eat or not eat, and even how much water is in their toilet. Liberals favoring gay rights constantly say that the government should stay out or the bedroom when the government is already there, in our bathrooms, kitchens, cars, and workplace. Now, armed with Obamacare, they will be directly involved with every decision we make regarding our most valuable possession, our health.
The house is set to vote on repeal of the legislation July 11 according to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. (3) There is little doubt repeal will pass the House but will no doubt be stalled in the Democrat controlled Senate and never see The President’s desk. However, the Republicans, and even some Democrats, in Congress need to send a message to the American People letting them know there are still some in Washington who are on their side.
The next step is in the hands of the American People. We need to have the same energy this November as we had in November of 2010 and send Obama home, gain further control in the House, and gain control in the Senate, a filibuster proof majority of 60 seats would be sweet too. Since Obamacare does not totally take effect until 2014, we have time in January 2013 to repeal this monstrosity and save this country from becoming the socialist country my co-worker thought we had become.
1. Jess Bravin, Louise Radnofsky. Court Backs Obama on Health Law. online.wsj.com. [Online] The Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2012. [Cited: June 28, 2012.] http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304898704577480371370927862.html?mod=e2tw.
2. Flynn, Mike. TODAY'S SCOTUS DECISION DOOMS OBAMA'S REELECTION. www.breitbart.com. [Online] Brietbart, June 28, 2012. [Cited: June 28, 2012.] http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/06/28/todays-scotus-decision-dooms-obama-presidency.
3. Freedom Outpost. GOP Will Vote July 11 To Repeal Obamacare. freedomoutpost.com. [Online] June
28, 2012. [Cited: June 28, 2012.] http://freedomoutpost.com/2012/06/gop-will-vote-july-11-to-repeal-obamacare/.