Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What is a Political Avenger?

My family and I just watched the Avengers movie.  Okay, I know it has been out for a while but we are a little behind in our movie watching.  Actually, we usually wait until a movie comes out on DVD unless it is really something we want to see and then we wait a while until the crowd thins out.  This was important for this movie since it is currently the highest grossing movie of all time and the crowds were huge for several weeks. The movie was excellent but since this is not a movie review blog, let me get to the point of why I am writing this post. 

Watching the movie caused me ask the question, what is a political avenger.  If we are to look at each of the Avengers in the movie, we see components that are required for one to become a political avenger.  So let us take a moment to look at these components. 

1.       Captain America – Is a military person from the past when the United States valued the men and women of the military and held them in high esteem.  Marvel Comics created the character to give Americans hope during World War II.  Captain American symbolizes a strong military soldier who is committed to defending his or her country.  As political avengers, we too need to have a strong commitment to the safety of our nation from attacks from without and within its borders.  That is why political avengers support a strong military.

2.       The Hulk – The Hulk is a modern day version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  The Hulk is Dr. Banner’s alter ego who turns into the Hulk when something or someone makes him angry.  Political avengers are normally peaceful people who make an effort to solve problems in a peaceful manner using their intelligence and wisdom.  However, when the situation becomes egregious and they have exhausted every peaceful means of solving the problem, they can hulk-up and take action.  Our nation’s founding fathers were like the Hulk in that they attempted to peacefully address their complaints with the British Crown prior to taking up arms and going to war. 

3.       Ironman – Tony Stark, the man who becomes Ironman, is a successful businessperson who develops high-tech weapons.  He is a genius at using technology to develop weapons.  However, he would prefer using this technology for peaceful applications.  Political avengers know how to use technology to accomplish their goals.  They prefer using technology peacefully through the Internet, Social Media, Blogs, and Talk Radio.  However, the political avenger also supports the use of technology for weapons and defense when it becomes necessary.  This is similar to the Hulk and in the movie and in fact, these two characters do interact a great deal in the movie. 

4.       Thor – Is a demigod and brother of Loki, the bad guy in the movie.  I do not place Thor in the position of a deity and there is even a line in the movie where Captain America says that there is only one God and Thor is not him.  The lesson Thor teaches us as political avengers is that we have to believe in something greater than ourselves.  If we fail to do this, we can easily become discouraged in our political battles. 

I encourage all the political avengers reading this post to find the qualities of Captain America, Hulk, and Ironman in us.  I also encourage everyone to strengthen their faith in God and remember He is in control and that our rights come from Him and not the government. 

We have a great political battle coming up between now and election day in November.  We must remain strong and arm ourselves with the truth to win.  We must win and begin taking this country back to the principles that made it strong.  

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