Saturday, January 11, 2014

The War on Hard Working People

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Proverbs 18:9
He who is slothful in his work
Is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.

For much of my working career I have worked for small businesses.  When I began my career, the conventional wisdom was that you wanted to work for a large corporation in order to get benefits but through the years small businesses have become competitive in the labor market and I have always been able to have benefits wherever I have worked.  Perhaps one of the greatest benefits I have derived from working for small businesses is the opportunity to gain experience doing a wide variety of things. 

I have observed the hardworking people of this country often gravitate to small businesses in order to better utilize their skills.  This does not mean that there are not hard working people in large corporations but someone that does not have a solid work ethic does not survive for long working for a small business.  In addition, the owners of small businesses do not have the luxury of sitting in a corner office while the company runs and generally have to be actively involved in the day-to-day operations of their company.  Unfortunately, the hardworking people that either work for or own small businesses in this country are under attack. 

Labor unions originally formed with the purpose of allowing employees of companies to group together giving them power to negotiate pay, benefits, and working conditions.  In large part due to the work of labor unions we now have laws in place governing safe working conditions, fair wages, reasonable hours, and even benefits.  (1)  Unfortunately, as often happens, through the years labor unions have lost sight of their original intent and now primarily work as political action committees that collect dues from their members to support political candidates.  Often, the candidates supported by the labor union are not the candidates the individual members of the union support.  (2)

With these facts in mind, it is not surprising that union membership among the working people of our nation has fallen to a 97-year low of 11.3%.  (3)  Most of the hardworking people in our country go to work every day because their either own a business or were hired by a business owner to do a job.  Their focus is on using their skills to do the best job they are capable of doing.  Unfortunately, the onerous regulations of an ever-growing oppressive government, in large part funded by political contributions from large crony corporatists and union bosses are working against their efforts. 

Add to that the threat of an influx of cheap labor into our country by the granting of amnesty to those illegally in our country and we have a recipe for disaster for the hard working citizens of our nation.  (4)  Unfortunately, the hardworking citizens of our country do not have many friends in either political party.  This is because both Democrat and Republican politicians view illegals as potential voters and favor granting them amnesty, believing that doing so will result in these people voting for them in the next election.  (5)

Granted small business owners could benefit from this influx of cheap labor.  This is why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce favors comprehensive immigration reform, believing it will be a boom to business, especially small business.  (6)  However, this appearance of cheap labor is actually a Trojan Horse because if the government grants these people some form of legal status, these small business owners will be required to pay them at least the minimum wage.  To make matters worse, the same politicians that tout the benefits to small business owners of granting amnesty to illegals are also debating increasing the minimum wage.  So much for the promise of cheap labor.  (7)

Then, the government adds salt to the wound with the implementation in 2015 of the employer mandate of Obamacare.  This mandate was to take effect this year but through executive order, the president delayed it.  This year we witnessed millions losing their health insurance coverage.  Most of those losing their coverage this year were those having private coverage.  Next year we could witness millions losing their employer provided health insurance as companies are required to provide health insurance coverage for their employees or pay a fine.  (8)

Of course, there is a way out of the mandate for employers.  All they have to do is reduce their employees’ hours to less than 30 yours.  (9)  However, this will mean a 25% decrease in pay for employees currently working 40 hours a week.  This constitutes yet another attack on the hardworking citizens of our nation. 

We constantly hear politicians speak of a war on women in our nation.  However, as we can see from this evidence, the real war in our nation is a war on the hardworking people and small business owners of our nation.  Our President told us this week that the key to economic growth is the extension of unemployment benefits.  He even went as far as to say that extending unemployment benefits creates jobs.  (10)  Mr. President, the current labor participation rate tells us that 91.8 million people have dropped out of the workforce.  (11)  I work with numbers in my profession and these numbers reveal that the universe of jobs is decreasing, not increasing. 

The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing expecting different results.  We have continued to extend unemployment benefits and the universe of jobs continues to decrease.  What our nation needs are policies that offer incentives to hardworking Americans and small business in this country instead of punishing them.  In Wednesday’s posting, I will begin proposing some of the things the government can do to begin incentivizing small business and hardworking people in this country. 

1. The History Channel. Labor Movement. [Online] The History Channel. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

2. Use of Dues for Politics. [Online] [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

3. Greenhouse, Steven. Share of the Work Force in a Union Falls to a 97-Year Low, 11.3%. [Online] The New York Times, January 23, 2013. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

4. Boyle, Matthew. 16 HOUSE REPUBLICANS TO OBAMA: AMNESTY 'FINAL ECONOMIC BLOW' FOR AMERICAN WORKERS. [Online] Breitbart News, January 8, 2014. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

5. Hall, Jon N. The Real Threat from Comprehensive Immigration Reform. [Online] the American Thinker, June 20, 2013. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

6. Lee, Tony. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESIDENT WANTS TEA PARTY TO 'FEEL SOME HEAT'. [Online] Breitbart News, January 8, 2014. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

7. Unz, Ron. No Immigration Amnesty Without a Minimum Wage Hike. [Online] the American Conservative, May 24, 2013. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

8. Fox News. Second wave of health plan cancellations looms. [Online] Fox News, November 20, 2013. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

9. Commerce, U.S. Chamber of. Employer Mandate. [Online] [Cited: January 10, 2014.]‎.

10. Benson, Guy. Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Creates Jobs, You Know. [Online], January 8, 2014. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

11. Durben, Tyler. People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels. [Online] Zerohedge, January 10, 2014. [Cited: January 10, 2014.]

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