Saturday, February 1, 2014

Restoring the Power of the Tea Party Movement

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Acts 17:6b
"These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.

The above passage from the Bible speaks of the tremendous impact the early church had on society.  It all started with Peter’s message after Pentecost where 3000 people were saved and the movement continued to grow from there.  Even when persecution came from both the Roman government and the Jewish religious leaders of the time, the church continued to grow.  This persecution only caused believers to scatter and spread the Gospel out from Israel and into the rest of the world.  It is this spreading of the Gospel, in the midst of great persecution, that the Bible speaks of in Acts 17:6. 

These people many of whom had seen Jesus after his resurrection and who were in the upper room at Pentecost, had a passionate desire to share their faith.  Not only did these people suffer great persecution, many of them even sacrificed their lives for their faith.  The passionate faith and desire to spread the message of truth these early Christians had is an example to us as we face tremendous challenges in our country. 

Just as the early church faced persecution from two fronts, the Tea Party and conservatives in our nation also face persecution from two fronts. 

1)      Democrats, Liberals, the Media, and Progressives – Persecution from here is similar to the persecution the early church faced from their Roman occupiers.  The threat here is very real and represents potentially dangerous threats for these groups because they hold the seat of power in the executive branch, the Senate, and much of the judiciary.  We have witnessed how President Obama has allowed the IRS to target Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status and has even went so far as to essentially make their activities legal through executive orders.  (1)
2)      The Republican Establishment, and Moderates – This persecution is similar to what the persecution the early church faced from the Jewish religious leaders of their time.  These religious leaders should have been able to discern from scripture that Jesus was the Messiah but were blinded from discovering this truth.  Likewise, the Tea Party was blindsided believing the Republican establishment would embrace them after helping them regain control of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election.  What conservatives and the Tea Party now know is that Republican establishment views them as an enemy and takes every opportunity to lash out at them.  (2) (3)

The early church grew in the midst of these great trials and I believe the Tea Party can also thrive in these difficult times by

1)      Developing the passion we had in the 2010 elections – Unlike the early church that continued to passionately declare the truth of the Gospel even when it cost them everything they had and even, in some instances, their lives, the Tea Party allowed itself to be silenced during the 2012 Presidential election due to pressure from the IRS.  Instead of allowing this pressure to silence us we must press on with our passion for seeing our country return to its roots as outlined in our founding documents.  Our founders had this passion and the result was the founding of this country.  Many of them lost everything they had but their passion was developing the legacy of a great and prosperous country.  We must revive this passion.
2)      Standing up to the Republican establishment – The current leadership of the Republican Party is more interested in being liked by Democrats, liberals, and the mainstream media than it is in working with its base.  However, this does not mean conservatives cannot win election in spite of the efforts of the GOP establishment to stop them.  In 1980, Ronald Reagan was able to secure the GOP nomination for President and win election in a landslide twice. 

It is time for the Tea Party to become vocal and visible once again.  On Thursday January 30, 2014, the GOP establishment currently running the House revealed their immigration/amnesty plan.  It appears the GOP leadership is attempting to trick conservatives into believing that their plan calling for “enforcement first” but that also calls for a way to “have an agreement that shows how people who are not lawfully here can be able to be lawfully here.” is somehow good for our country.  (4)   This is what occurs when you try to please both your large corporate donors while pleasing your conservative base.  The fact that the GOP establishment believes we, as conservatives are stupid enough to fall for this sham is a shame.  

What the Tea Party must do is select true conservative candidates for the House and Senate in the 2014 election and unite behind them through a grassroots effort just as early Christians did.  We then must begin uniting behind one candidate for President that believes in the true conservative principles of small, constitutional government and unite behind that candidate, propelling them to the nomination and the Presidency through a united passionate grassroots effort. 

Early Christians demonstrated what occurs when people passionately unite in a grassroots effort to declare the truth.  Join me and other tea party conservatives in a grassroots effort, declaring the benefits of smaller more responsive government.  The United States is a great nation and got there due to the greatness of its people but we must act now to save our country before our government grows into a leviathan that totally forgets about the people that made the nation great. 

1. Campbell, Greg. Obama Attempting to Make IRS Targeting Tea Party Legal. [Online] Tea Party News Network, December 13, 2013. [Cited: December 27, 2013.]

2. Pollak, Joel. BOEHNER SHOWS TRUE COLORS TO TEA PARTY WITH RYAN-MURRAY BUDGET DEAL. [Online] Breitbart News, December 12, 2013. [Cited: January 30, 2014.]

3. Strong, Matthew Boyle & Jonathan. SHOWDOWN: BOEHNER TO REVEAL IMMIGRATION 'PRINCIPLES,' CONSERVATIVES READY TO RUMBLE. [Online] Breitbart News, January 29, 2014. [Cited: January 30, 2014.]

4. Kaus, Mickey. This is the best scam they can come up with? [Online] The Daily Caller, January 30, 2014. [Cited: January 30, 2014.]

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