Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Path to Health for our Nation

By Dale Weckbacher

Exodus 13:17-18
17 When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them on the road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest way from Egypt to the Promised Land. God said, "If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt." 18 So God led them along a route through the wilderness toward the Red Sea, and the Israelites left Egypt like a marching army.

Most of us seek the easiest way to get something done.  We own microwaves because it allows us to cook our food faster and with less of a mess.  We try to find the quickest path to drive from point A to point B.  However, God does not always choose the easiest path for us in order to teach us and cause us to grow stronger (James 1:2-4).  He also, as he did with the Nation of Israel, steers us away from what may seem to us to be an easier way because it is dangerous and leads to discouragement.

The easier path for our nation politically would be if we could just simply wave a magic wand, making people suddenly realize our nation is on a path of destruction.  We face deficits and debt that threaten the financial security of future generations.  Out of control regulations with side effects that are far worse than the illness the regulation was designed to fix.  Obamacare, which threatens the very liberty of people, placing them in jeopardy by giving government bureaucrats control over the health care decisions of all citizens and forcing them to buy something, they cannot afford, need, or want.  However, God has chosen to lead our nation down this path in order to teach us to depend upon Him and to value our freedoms and liberties and not take them for granted.

Election year is upon us and we all know what that means, more lies deception, and political posturing in an effort to get our vote.  For those in office whose policies and programs have failed, there will also be attempts to deceive us and deflect our attention away from the true state of the nation.  Therefore, let us take a moment to look at the state of the health of our nation and provide a prescription that cures the root cause of what is ailing our nation.

If we were to examine our nation much like a doctor examines a patient we would have to conclude that even though the patient is alive, the patient has some serious health issues that could be fatal if left untreated.  The symptoms the patient is exhibiting are

1)       High deficits – These high deficits are similar to a patient coming to the doctor with a high fever.  The fever is not the problem but is symptomatic of some infection in the patient’s body.  In the case of our country, the high deficits are due to the infection of out of control spending, a growing entitlement mentality, and a broken budget process.
2)      High debt – This is similar to a patient that comes to the doctor and is obese.  Even though a patient comes to the doctor and is obese, they may be relatively healthy.  However, their obesity is like a ticking time bomb that could go off someday.  At the moment, our nation’s debt is manageable but if it continues to grow, especially at the pace it has been growing over the last five years, just servicing the debt will become the largest expenditure in the nation’s budget.  When this day occurs, the nation will have to make some tough decisions.  Do we severely cut defense and thus jeopardize the nation’s safety at a time when the world is becoming increasingly dangerous.  On the other hand, we could begin dismantling the entitlement system that many have grown to depend upon for basic needs like healthcare, food, housing, etc.  This is what they tried to do in Greece and Spain, resulting in riots, as people did not know what to do without the assistance of some government program due to their becoming overly dependent upon government entitlement programs.  (1) (2)  Of course, we could always just raise taxes on the rich, which will result in rich business owners laying people off to remain in business or even relocating their businesses to another country with lower taxes thus eliminating almost all of their jobs in the United States. 
3)      Out of control regulations – For several years I have, like many of you reading this, been taking medication to treat high blood pressure.  As my body has built up a resistance to many of the medications the doctor has prescribed, he has had to change my medication.  In one instance, the doctor placed me on a medication that did lower my blood pressure but in the process also lowered my heart rate.  After taking this medication for a while, I got up one morning and almost passed out as I stood up.  It appeared that what the doctor had given me to lower my blood pressure had lowered my heart rate to a point where I could not even stand up.  Many of the regulations our government imposes upon us may have been implemented with the intention of correcting some wrong but as is the case with most government regulations, have grown to the point where they are stifling our economy and economic growth.  (3)  These excessive regulations are also killing innovation (4) at a time when we desperately need innovation and growth to get America back to work again. 
4)      Obamacare – Arthritis is a very debilitating disease affecting thousands of people across our nation.  Initially the disease causes pain and stiffness in the joints and is uncomfortable but manageable for the sufferer with some pain medication.  However, as the disease progresses, the sufferer may become incapacitated and even confined to a wheelchair.  Obamacare, like arthritis, starts out as some pain or stiffness that can be managed.  For example, the first year the fine for not having health insurance is only $95 or 1% of a person’s income, whichever is larger.  This is causing many to choose to pay the fine, even though it is uncomfortable, in lieu of paying hundreds of dollars a month for a health insurance policy they may never use because they are young and healthy.  However, each year the fines are set to increase until it will no longer make financial sense to opt for paying the fine.  At this point, much as arthritis debilitates an individual physically, these individuals are debilitated financially as they will need to budget hundreds of dollars a month to pay health insurance premiums.     

The treatment for these symptoms is simple but as is often the case with health treatments, painful.  Treating the deficit symptoms requires cutting spending and achieving a balanced budget.  We must also end baseline budgeting and implement a zero based budgeting process for the federal government.  (5)  This is the same budgetary process private business use and will allow us to balance the Federal Budget by forcing government agencies to begin each fiscal year at zero and force them to justify the amount of money they will require each year for their operations.  This may lead to the reduction or even elimination of some government programs but this will only be because they were unable to justify their need any longer. 

Of course once the patient’s fever of deficits is broken it will no longer be necessary for the patient to continue putting on the weight of more debt.  In fact, the patient may even be able to begin losing weight by paying off some of its debt.  This will eliminate potential future fiscal health disasters for the nation and eliminate the need of strapping future generations with excessive debt caused by past generations irresponsible spending. 

Our nation is overmedicated on regulations and needs to be taken off many of them.  I am not calling for the total elimination of all regulations but in the process of the zero based budgeting process, each of these regulatory agencies is required to justify its existence.  If during the examination it is determined that they are no longer addressing the problem they were created to address and instead are causing undesirable side effects elsewhere, they will be eliminated. 

Finally, we must not allow Obamacare to become an arthritis that debilitates the nation by forcing people to spend hundreds of dollars they work hard for and currently spend on other things.  Granted, health insurance is beneficial when one gets sick and needs it but forcing people to spend money on something they do not want is not freedom but tyranny.  In addition, the money these people spend on health insurance comes out of other parts of their budgets.  This means less spending on vacations, entertainment, or maybe even cause some to be unable to make mortgage payments leading to the loss of their homes. 

My prescription for restoring the nation’s health is therefore simple.  We must go on a spending diet.  Sadly, this may require a twelve-step program as our nation’s government seems to be addicted to the spending of taxpayer’s hard-earned money.  We also must wean the nation off the useless regulatory medications it is currently on so we can eliminate the many undesirable side effects, such as the anemic economic growth our nation is currently experiencing.  In addition, we must repeal the arthritis causing Obamacare before it totally debilitates the nation.

Our nation is sick but not dead and I believe we still have time to restore it back to health but we must begin now before it is too late. 

1. Gregory, Paul Roderick. Note to Krugman: Greece proves Keynesian economics wrong. [Online] Forbes, March 18, 2012. [Cited: June 7, 2012.]

2. Huff, Ethan A. Panic cash withdrawals in Spain drain banks; Greece-style economic implosion now imminent. [Online] NaturalNews, September 24, 2012. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

3. Allison, John. Red Tape Is Strangling the Recovery. [Online] U.S. News and World Report, October 19, 2012. [Cited: March 18, 2014.]

4. Stewart, Luke A. The Impact of Regulation on Innovation in the United States: A Cross-Industry Literature Review*. [Online] Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, June 2010. [Cited: March 28, 2014.]

5. Americans for Prosperity. Baseline Budgeting vs. Zero-based. [Online] Americans for Prosperity, August 2012. [Cited: March 18, 2014.]

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