Saturday, July 5, 2014

Celebrating Those Who Built This Nation

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1 is a continuation of what is in chapter 11.  In chapter 11, the writer of Hebrews presents what some theologians call the hall of fame.  The writer is urging us to live godly lives by asking us to remember those that preceded us in the faith.  These men such as Moses and Abraham were not perfect but are in this hall of fame because of their great faith in God.  Their mention in this hall of fame also demonstrates the mercy of a God who accepts us in spite of our mistakes. 

Yesterday, we celebrated Independence Day in the United States.  The day commemorates July 4, 1776, the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  The signers of this document knew they were committing treason and risked losing everything they owned, including their lives by putting their signature to this document.  However, these men were men of principle, believing that the treatment by King George in England of the colonists was wrong and immoral. 

They had spent several years attempting to have their redresses peacefully corrected but were continually ignored.  As they stated in the declaration, they believed the time had come for action and stated this intention in the Declaration,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.  (1)

The signers of the Declaration are just one example of our national hall of fame in the United States for throughout our rich history we have had other great leaders.  We had George Washington who not only was our nation’s first President but also a great military strategist that was able to take a rag tag army and defeat the greatest military power of the time in order to establish the independence of the new nation.

We have had Abraham Lincoln, a self-educated man who won election to the Presidency and then faced the division of the nation resulting in the bloodiest war in our nation’s history, the Civil War.  Lincoln’s leadership was able to preserve the union and in the process end the practice of slavery in our nation. 

We have had leaders like Franklin Roosevelt, someone I personally disagree with politically, who kept the nation together when Japan brutally attacked it December 7, 1942 at Pearl Harbor.  Roosevelt’s strong leadership helped the Allies defeat the Axis powers, which included Adolf Hitler.  Even though I disagree with Roosevelt’s liberal politics, his courage and love for this country was without doubt as demonstrated by his willingness to attack and defeat the cowards that attacked our nation, something I believe many of our leaders today would hesitate to do. 

Then there are the unnamed heroes of our nation.  These are the people serving in our military, firefighters, and police officers keeping us safe.  There are also those in the medical profession that care for us when we are sick.  Those that make our cars, build our homes, deliver the goods and services we buy, and grow our food.  Everyday these unnamed heroes get up early, fight traffic, and go to work.  Their contributions, even though they may seem small to them, are part of what has built this nation.

Unfortunately, it seems that many of our leaders today, in the interest of building a perpetual entitlement class depending upon them for their basic needs, discount the contributions of these great men and women of our past.  They instead go, as Nancy Pelosi recently did, to the border and welcome lawbreakers who have illegally entered our country claiming they are the future of this nation.  (2)   We have no idea what kind of future this will be for we have no way of knowing what these law breakers intend to do to our country for we have no idea who they really are or where they came from. 

Is it any wonder that recent polls show that a vast majority of the nation does not support this invasion of refugees?  (3)  It is pathetic that our nation’s leaders would use children whose parents have placed them in danger in order to further their political ambitions of transforming our country into something that would make the authors of our Declaration of Independence roll over in their graves.  Not to mention the fact that many of these people are bringing in diseases long eradicated in our nation.  (4)

As one of the citizens of this country that have made an, all be it small, contribution to this nation, I am sick and tired of constantly hearing from politicians, many of whom I may have voted for, that these uneducated, illegal aliens somehow are the future of this country.  What are we, chopped liver? 

Granted this nation has problems but if these politicians would take their heads out of the political sands long enough, they might realize that the solution to our nation’s problems is right within its borders.  Within the borders of this nation is the creative knowledge and energy to save this nation but that creative energy is currently being hampered and misdirected.  Our education system indoctrinates children into a politically correct groupthink that teaches children to spew a leftist agenda instead of how to critically think through and create solutions to our nation’s problems. 

Our media spews its hate America agenda making being patriotic and loving the greatness of this nation unpopular.  People that easily succumb to peer pressure fear looking patriotic and go along with the hate America agenda.  They even vote for politicians advancing this agenda just to remain popular.  Politicians then add the racial or gender component, and the situation goes viral.

We must secure our borders and stop encouraging people to illegally enter our nation.  We must send all of the politicians supporting any form of amnesty and the expansion of the entitlement system, regardless of whether they are Democrat or Republican, home packing and replace them with leaders interested in utilizing the creative solutions now latent within the great people of our nation. 

Our nation, just like the Christian and Jewish faith, has a rich heritage of heroes.  We also have an extensive creative energy in our nation that must be unleashed.  As we move on past Independence Day, let us once again restore our nation to the position of greatness brought on by the spirit of independence of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 

If you are with me on this, please feel free to comment to this post.  

1. Hillsdale College. The Declaration of Independance. The U.S. Constitution: A reader. Hillsdale Michigan : Hillsdale College Press, 2012.

2. Urbanski, Dave. Nancy Pelosi at the Border: Influx of Illegal Immigrants an ‘Opportunity,’ Not a ‘Crisis’. [Online] The Blaze, June 28, 2014. [Cited: July 4, 2014.]

3. Munro, Neil. Gallup Shows Obama Is Wrong About Immigration. [Online] The Daily Caller, June 29, 2014. [Cited: July 4, 2014.]

4. Wilde, Robert. 40 CASES OF ACTIVE SCABIES AND HEAD LICE FOUND AMONG ILLEGAL ALIENS IN CALIFORNIA. [Online] Breitbart News, July 2, 2014. [Cited: July 4, 2014.]

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