Saturday, October 11, 2014

Moving From the Fear Farm to the Faith Farm

By:  Dale Weckbacher

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
NKJV (1)

Most will agree that we live in a world dominated by fear.  Even in Paul’s time, fear was prevalent which is why he included this instruction to his pupil Timothy about the source of fear.  Paul understood that Timothy, as a young preacher, would encounter many fearful things and found it important to instruct him about the source of fear.  We too must understand the source of fear and not dwell in the fear farm but instead move into the faith farm.

In today’s fear farm there is much to fear:

1)      Physical harm or death – Since 9/11 and even before, the fear of physical harm is very real.  This is why we lock our doors and why many carry guns or some form of weapon to protect themselves from physical harm.  However, since 9/11 this fear of physical harm has expanded from being something individual to something national as we now live with the fear some terrorist or group of terrorist may attack us and kill thousands of innocent people as they did on 9/11.  This very real fear is why securing the borders and maintaining a strong military is important to a majority of people. 
2)      Poverty or losing everything we have worked for – The economic collapse of 2008 caused many to lose their wealth as they saw their 401K turn into a 201K or worse.  They also saw the value of their real property decline to where many ended up upside down owing more than the value of their property.  This problem was then compounded as many lost their jobs or businesses, their source of income, and actually lost their property through foreclosure.  This very real economic collapse has caused many to live in fear of losing all and being relegated to living a life or poverty and dependence, something many are already having to do as record numbers of individuals have dropped out of the workforce and live on some form of government entitlement. 
3)      Pandemic – As Ebola has now left Africa and arrived in the United States and Europe, we now live with the very real fear of a global pandemic killing thousands as Ebola has already done in Africa.  Even though I live in the United States, which has what I believe to be the best, healthcare system in the world, there is still much to fear.  There is no cure yet for Ebola and even the best healthcare system in the world can become overwhelmed and run out of resources in a pandemic. 

Jesus encouraged His followers in John 14:1-4 when he said:

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.   3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  4 And where I go you know, and the way you know."
NKJV (1)

Jesus wants us to move from the fear farm of this world and join Him in the faith farm where we can have:

1)      Protection – Jesus said He would never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) (1).  In fact, even in death He promises to be with us (Psalm 23:4) (1).  Our God is a mighty fortress of protection (Psalm 18:2, 31:2, 3, 71:3) (1).  However, even the best fortress of protection is useless unless we come into the fortress.  If you have not done so already, I encourage you to enter into the fortress of God’s protection by accepting God’s free gift of salvation by making Jesus Christ Lord of your life (Romans 10:9-10) (1)
2)      Provision – Jesus promised that all of our needs would be met through His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19) (1).  Since God created everything we see and have, this is a very real promise because God, unlike any person or government, has the resources to provide whatever we need.  However, just as we must climb into the fortress of God’s protection to have protection, God’s provision hinges on our pursuit of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) (1) which includes giving of our tithes and offerings to him (Malachi 3:10) (1).
3)      Physician – We can have access to the great physician who demonstrated his ability to heal during his earthly ministry where he healed many sick (Matthew 4:24) (1).  This promise of healing was then extended to us all through the stripes Jesus bore when he was whipped (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24) (1).  This does not mean Christians are immune from death for all people have an appointment with death (Hebrew 9:27) (1) but for those who have chosen to make Jesus Lord of their lives, death is not something to dread but means that we are transferred from this world dominated by fear into the presence of God (2 Corinthians 5:8) (1).  In Christ, our death will come at a time appointed by God and not at the hands of some pandemic like Ebola unless that is God’s will for our lives.  We can therefore live in faith that if our appointed time of death is not due to Ebola, God will protect us from that pandemic and miraculously heal us if we contract Ebola and it is not his will for us to die that way.

There is no need for us to live in the fear farm dominated by physical harm, poverty, and pandemic for we can, through a relationship with Jesus Christ, enter into the faith farm of protection, provision, and access to the great physician.  Join me in moving from the faith farm to the fear farm. 

1. Bible Gateway. Passage Lookup. www; [Online] Bible Gateway. [Cited: October 11, 2014.]

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