Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Security in a Dangerous World

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Psalm 4:8
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

David wrote this Psalm when facing danger from His enemies.  One of David’s chief enemies was the Saul, the King of Israel who saw David as a threat to his kingdom.  David did not have access to a large well-trained army but instead had a cast of men rejected by society (1 Samuel 22:1-2).  David understood that he could not depend on his army to provide security and instead chose to depend upon the Lord to protect him from his enemies.  We too must learn to depend upon the Lord to protect us in these chaotic times.  If you have not done so, I urge you to go to the website need answers to find out how to begin finding security in your life from the Lord. 

However, this does not mean we are to become some kind of monk or hermit burying our head in the sand when it comes to what is happening around us for if that were the case, the Lord would remove us from the world when we accepted Him.  Instead, the Lord leaves us here to be lighthouses, sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We live in a chaotic and scary world and those we live with, those in our neighborhoods, and those we work with that do not know Christ have nowhere to turn for real answers.  Instead, many turn to alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, government, or secular philosophies seeking answers only to find out these only provide temporary relief but do not solve the root of the problem.  They need answers, answers that can only be found through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Yesterday was Election Day and the people have chosen to elect new leadership in the Senate.  One of the issues causing the people to elect this change is the present leadership is doing little to insure their security.  It is a dangerous world and we face threats from,

1)      ISIS and terrorism that has the potential to come into our country through its wide-open borders and inflict harm in innocent people.
2)      Ebola and other diseases have already entered the nation through its open borders and threaten the health of the nation.
3)      An abundance of cheap labor also coming up from the nation’s open border is taking jobs unemployed citizens desperately need.

As is obvious, the common thread in all of these threats is the wide-open border of the United States.  However, instead of addressing this issue and beefing up border security, our nation’s leaders seek to either pass some form of amnesty legislation enabling those already illegally in the nation and those seeking to come here legal status.  Unfortunately, this is not just a Democrat or Republican problem for leadership of both parties seems to favor some form of amnesty. 

Pundits in the media paint a picture of it being cruel to secure the border because all these people are looking for is a better live.  The cruelty however is that along with those seeking a better life we may also be letting terrorists and people with deadly diseases in as well not to mention the loss of jobs and the economic consequences as these mostly low skilled people will become dependent on government programs for food and health care.   

Democrat President Obama however threatens to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and Congress by issuing an unconstitutional executive amnesty order.  For this reason, voters voted to change leadership in the Senate in the hope they can stop, or reverse, in the event the President issues his order during the lame duck session of Congress, any form of amnesty.  They also hope that the new leadership will secure the border making the nation more secure. 

This is why we cannot afford to bask for too long in the recent electoral victory and must keep the pressure on the new Senate Leadership to insure the security of the nation through a secure border and no blanket amnesty.  We have been able to stop amnesty before (1) (2) and can do it again. 

On the right side of this page under the popular posts are links to contact the White House, your Senator, and your Congressperson.  I urge you to immediately contact them as well as the White House to stop any lame duck amnesty legislation or executive amnesty.  I then urge contacting your new Senator or Congressperson after to new Congress and Senate are sworn in to let them know you absolutely do not support any form of amnesty and most importantly want the border secured. 

Ultimately, our security comes from the Lord.  However, I urge both Christians and Non-Christians to contact their legislators urging them not to pass any amnesty.  Remind them that in two years there will be another election and if they do not govern according to the will of the voters that elected them, we will replace them with someone who will. 

1. Krikorian, Mark. Another Amnesty Defeated. [Online] The National Review, May 21, 2008. [Cited: November 4, 2014.]

2. Smith, Donna. Senate kills Bush immigration reform bill. [Online] Reuters, June 29, 2007. [Cited: November 4, 2014.]

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