Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Role of Technology in Spreading the Gospel

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. 

According to Rabbi Jonathan Bernis in his book “A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days,” the forth reason why we know we are in the last days is that the Gospel is being preached to all the nations of the world.  Prior to the invention of mass media, preaching the Gospel to all nations would have seemed a monumental and almost impossible task.  For one to believe the Gospel could be spread to the nations of the world would have required monumental faith. 

However, with the invention of mass media such as Television and Radio, the task became much more possible.  In my childhood during the 60’s, I remember seeing grand evangelistic meetings on television.  These meetings were available for viewing by anyone with a television in the broadcast area of a station carrying the broadcast.  However, people still had to tune in and would only do that if invited by someone.  Radio made it possible for people to hear the gospel through their radio, making it possible for people to hear the Gospel in their cars as well as their living rooms.  However, if you are able to read this blog, you have tools at your disposal that are much more powerful than TV or radio for you now have the ability to reach people with the Gospel all over the world through your computer, smart phone, or tablet. 

This blog was formed free of charge using Google.  Anyone with a Google account, and that would be anyone with a G-Mail account, can set up a blog in just a few minutes.  I use this blog to provide scripturally discerning commentary on current events.  I prayed about how to use this blog and believe this is how God wants it used to help spread the Gospel.  If you are reading this, I recommend praying to see if God wants you to create a blog to help spread the Gospel to the nations and if He does how he wants you to use it.  

However, just posting a blog is insufficient because for the blog to be useful in spreading the Gospel, people must read it.  This is why I share each posting on Facebook, Twitter and with friends via email as a means of attracting readers to the blog.  The incredible power of these social media is that each individual the posting is shared with can also share it with their followers and friends and the message can quickly spread.  I believe there are many reading this now that may be sitting on the sidelines watching and waiting for some great pastor or evangelist to spread the gospel when that evangelist is the one reading this post. 

Unfortunately, we all have a great fear of rejection, which prevents many from sharing their faith with others.  This past Sunday, one of the pastors at my church shared that the most selfish thing a believer can do is die going to eternity alone not having shared the Gospel with anyone.  We must not be selfish with our faith but instead share it generously.

We can share the Gospel with friends and family but remember these individuals are often the greatest source of rejection.  Usually not because they dislike us but because they may believe we are becoming a part of some cult that might hurt us.  We can share the Gospel with co-workers but must insure it does not interfere with doing the job we were hired to do.  We can even share the gospel with total strangers by having a quick testimony ready when the opportunity presents itself.  Now, with the powerful tools of blogging and social media, we can even share the Gospel with people we may never meet face to face in nations we may never visit.  In other words, we have no excuse for inaction. 

According to Rabbi Bernis’ interpretation of Matthew 24:14, the spreading of the Gospel to the nations is a prerequisite to the return of Jesus to the world.  I therefore want to issue a challenge to those reading this.  The challenge is to pray and find out how God wants you to be part of spreading the Gospel to the nations and then to take action.  Please add your comment to this post to let the readers know what you are doing so we can pray and rejoice with you. 

May God bless everyone’s endeavors.

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