Saturday, December 19, 2015

Spiritual Warfare Part 3: Diligence for the Bridegroom is Coming

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Matthew 25:1-4
"Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.  2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.  3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,  4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

As we look at world events and compare these events to prophecy in the Bible, it is obvious we are in the times Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:1-14.  The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-4 provides instruction on the attitude we as believers are to have in these times.  Jesus is returning and we as believers who find ourselves engaged in spiritual warfare can find comfort in that fact (1 Thessalonians 4:18). 

However, we are also fleshly people and therefore can become fearful as we see all the evil in our world.  If we allow this fear to control us, we can become impatient taking matters into our own hands believing we can somehow bring about an end to evil by electing the right people or even developing a government program to end all the evil such as taking everyone’s weapons.  Instead, we must remain diligent, knowing that our Lord is returning to eliminate all evil in this world. 

Therefore, instead of becoming impatient or proposing government programs such as gun control, which will only leave innocent people defenseless against evil, we must be,

1)      Diligent knowing that what is occurring in the world today is a last ditch effort of the enemy, Satan, to destroy as many people as he can.  In fact, Jesus return is delayed in order to allow as many as possible to escape eternal damnation and have the opportunity to accept God’s gift of eternal life (2 Peter 3:9, John 3:16). 
2)      Diligent knowing that this hatred aimed at us is actually an expression of hatred towards our Lord (Matthew 24:9).  Unfortunately, in many parts of the world this hatred results in the brutal murder of those believing in Jesus as their savior.  However, we do find comfort knowing that those murdered for their belief in the Lord are ushered into the presence of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8).  Therefore, what the enemy does to harm believers actually ushers them into their reward of eternity with the Lord. 
3)      Diligent in sharing the Gospel with the lost -   2 Peter 3:9 reminds us that the Lord’s promise to return is true and something we can count on but that out of grace and mercy, Jesus’ return is delayed in order for everyone to have an opportunity to accept God’s gift of salvation.  However, this requires us to be active in sharing the Gospel, which places us in the middle of the spiritual war for the souls of men and women in our world.  For those interested in becoming empowered to share the gospel, I encourage you to order Empowered Evangelism from my book page

Once when I was a teenager, my parents left me in charge of the house while they drove back east to be with family.  I could not go with them because I had just started my first job and had no vacation time.  I must confess that while they were gone, I did little to clean the house and planned to spend the day before my parent’s return to clean up.  Unfortunately, my parents unexpectedly came home a day early before I had the opportunity to clean the house. 

I do not want to be caught unprepared when the Lord returns, as I was when my parents unexpectedly returned from their vacation.  Instead, my desire is to be diligent in doing the Lord’s work of spreading the gospel even though I know that it puts me in the middle of a great spiritual battle.  However, I need not be fearful for fear is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7) and can be courageous knowing Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). 

If you are reading this and have not accepted God’s free gift of salvation I encourage you to take a moment and pray with me,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

I encourage those of you that prayed with me to find a local church that teaches the Bible and establish a connection with others that believe as you do.  If you are not sure what church to attend, go to and click on the link to connect with other believers.  You can also find a bible or an affordable online bible there.  There is also a list of other books what will help you in your new life with the Lord.

These are perilous times that can fill us with fear but they are also exciting times for we know that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is at hand.

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