Saturday, August 27, 2016

Milwaukee: An example of a M.E.S.S. Fueled by Moral and Cultural Decay.

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

The Book of Proverbs in the Bible is God’s book of wisdom.  It is also God’s book of commonsense which if followed leads to blessing in our lives (Proverbs 3:13-35).  However, it is also a two-edged sword that if not followed leads to reproof from the Lord out of His love for us (Proverbs 3:12). 

As we read the founding documents of the United States, we see that the authors of these documents heeded the wise words of Proverbs 14:34 and wanted to establish a nation founded in righteousness.  However, through the years the United States has abandoned this righteous founding and in the interest of political correctness, systematically removing God from the national discourse.  This systematic dismantling began in 1962 with the removal of prayer from schools.  (1)  Soon after this, secularism spread into the media with the abandonment of the morality code for films, (2) replacing it with a ratings system.  The reason for this change was a Supreme Court ruling citing that expression in movies was constitutionally protected speech coupled with a belief that the production code was a form of censorship.  The tentacles of secularism have since spread to government buildings with the banning of the 10 commandments and nativity scenes citing a mythical separation of church in state in the constitution (3) and even into free commerce with Christian business owners facing penalties for refusing service to customers asking them to violate their deeply held religious values.  (4)

This slide from righteousness has created a mess that was triggered by the moral decline that began with the removal of prayer from schools in 1962.  The recent riots in Milwaukee provide a snapshot of the mess created by this slide, something courageously expressed by Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke. 

Sheriff Clarke, an African American, could have played the race card like other civic leaders where similar riots have occurred but instead took the opportunity to cite the stirring up of racial violence by liberal Democrats.  Sheriff Clarke went on to state that it was freedom and earned success that allowed him to rise to sheriff and not some liberal Democrat government program.  (5) However, instead of citing the value of hard work leading to success, race baiters tell those living in the ghetto that it takes some magical government program to raise them out of poverty.  In Sheriff Clarke’s words these failed programs have led to “failing K-12 public schools, dysfunctional lifestyle choices like father absent homes, gang involvement, drug/alcohol abuse and massive unemployment.”  (5) 

In other words, the moral decline of, predominately African American individuals living in the Ghetto has led to economic depravity, lack of security with riots springing up any time there is an officer involved shooting, and calls on government to confiscate the wealth of others, especially those of other races, in the form of reparations.  In other words, we have a M.E.S.S.

To clean up this mess we need to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with these individuals and point them to the only one that can clean up the mess in their lives.  This will result in a reversal of the downward moral spiral in these communities and replace it with the love of God and the light of the Gospel.  I want to urge those living in these communities who know Jesus as their savior to let the light of the Gospel contained in them shine light on the dark racial divide in their communities (Matthew 5:16). 

I also urge those that have successfully risen from the poverty of the ghetto to begin following Sheriff Clarke’s lead and begin encouraging those living in these communities to begin working hard to rise from their poverty through hard work.  I also urge those living in these communities to seek security in a relationship with Jesus Christ instead of through some government program destined to fail.  Finding a relationship with Jesus Christ is simple for all one needs to do is pray asking Jesus to forgive their sins and make Him Lord of their lives.  Please pray with me now and enter into this life changing relationship,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

Finally, stop seeking reparations from people alive now that had nothing to do with slavery other than being born with the same color of skin as those that owned slaves.  People like myself have achieved success in the same manner as Sheriff Clarke, hard work, and not the color of our skin.  Instead of seeking reparations from the government and thus creating greater deficits and debt, follow our example and begin working hard to achieve your dreams.

We are in a mess but Jesus, and not government, is the mess cleaner. 

1. Brooks, Carol. Prayer in Schools. [Online] In Plain Site. [Cited: August 20, 2016.] 2016.

2. The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code). [Online] [Cited: August 20, 2016.]

3. Barton, David. The Separation of Church and State . [Online] Wall Builders, January 2001. [Cited: August 20, 2016.]

4. Cheney, Kyle. Jindal: Biggest discrimination is against Christians. [Online] Politico, September 16, 2015. [Cited: August 20, 2016.]

5. Clarke, Sheriff David. Sheriff David Clarke: Liberal politics and media fueled Milwaukee riots. [Online] The Hill, August 15, 2016. [Cited: August 20, 2016.]

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