Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Battlefield of the Senate, a Battle That Must be Won

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

The scene is the nation of Israel on the banks of the Jordan River, ready to go in and take the land God promised them.  After 400 years of slavery in Egypt and 40 years wandering in the wilderness, the time has finally come.  While the people knew God was with them and had seen him perform many miracles for them, there must have also been much fear prompting Moses to urge them to be strong and courageous (Deuteronomy31:6).  In fact, since these words were repeated numerous times, we can surmise the level of fear must have been great.

Fear of the unknown is normal and something we all have experienced.  Whether it is the fear of starting a new job, fear of moving to a new city, fear of starting school or college, or fear of something bad happening to us, this fear is real.  The good news is, however, the fear we feel is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7) which means we should all heed the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 31:6

The title of President Elect Trump has now changed to President Trump.  While it is a time of celebration, it also means the real work of making America great again has finally begun.  Unlike many of his Republican predecessors, President Trump has the benefit of a Republican House of Representatives, and a Republican Senate.  While logic would tell us this will make the job of implementing the Trump agenda easy, there are potential road blocks ahead, especially in the Senate. 

Unlike the House of Representatives, the Senate has a rule allowing senators to filibuster legislation.  To end a filibuster requires a cloture vote of 60 votes. (1) However, since the Republicans only have 52 senators, they fall eight short of ending a filibuster and would require eight Democrat votes to end any filibuster by a Democrat senator.  In other words, the main obstacle to the full implementation of the Trump agenda will be in the Senate where legislation, judicial nominees, and cabinet nominees can be blocked. 

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer has vowed to filibuster any conservative Supreme Court nominee of President Trump. (2) While he did not mention filibustering any other legislation, the divisiveness that currently exists in the Senate leads us to believe he may use that option for any legislation he and his fellow Democrats consider controversial. 

However, before we just throw up our hands in defeat, there are some things we can do.

1)      The Senate can suspend the filibuster rule – In 2011 the Republicans were in the minority in the Senate but could block liberal judicial appointments through use of the filibuster rule.  To stop the blocking of liberal Obama judicial nominees, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid suspended the filibuster rule for judicial nominees.  (3)  This set a precedent which the Republicans can use to not only allow confirmation of Trump judicial nominees but also allow suspension of the rule for specific legislation such as repealing Obamacare, Tax reform, and funding the building of a border wall.  I urge my readers to contact the office of the GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urging him to eliminate the filibuster rule and allow much needed legislation and judicial nominees to only require a majority vote.  (4)
2)      Contact Senators not willing to vote with the Trump agenda – Trump won election to the Presidency by winning states that typically vote Democrat.  Many of these states have Democrat Senators who will be up for reelection in 2018.  While there will be pressure on these senators to go along with any filibuster plans by their leader in the Senate, they also have concern about keeping their jobs.  If enough voters in these states put pressure on them, we may be able to flip the eight senators needed to end any planned filibuster. 
3)      Urge President Trump to use the bully pulpit – Donald Trump, someone successful in business but who had never held political office before won election based upon his enormous popularity.  He must use this popularity as a way of twisting the arms of some Democrat senators holding office in red states to go along with voters in their states who voted for Trump.  (5)

Like the Nation of Israel that were on the verge of taking possession of the land God had promised them, the citizens of the Unites States stand on the verge of the opportunity to reclaim their country and make it great again.  Like Israel, there will be battles and obstacles to implementing the agenda necessary to make the United States great again but if we remain strong and courageous as we were in the election, we can achieve victory.  Let us be strong and courageous and press on to make America great again. 

1. U.S. Senate. Filibuster and Cloture. [Online] United States Senate. [Cited: January 12, 2017.]

2. McLaughlin, Seth. Democrats’ new Senate leader open to filibustering Trump’s Supreme Court picks. [Online] The Washington Times, November 16, 2016. [Cited: January 12, 2017.]

3. Bolton, Alexander. Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change Senate rules, end repeat filibusters. [Online] The Hill, October 7, 2011. [Cited: January 12, 2017.]

4. Hulse, Carl. Hard Choice for Mitch McConnell: End the Filibuster of Preserve Tradition. [Online] The New York Times, November 11, 2016. [Cited: January 12, 2017.]

5. Shesol, Jeff. The Power of the Podium. [Online] U.S. News and World Report, October 20, 2016. [Cited: January 12, 2017.]

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