Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Contending for Truth and Faith

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Jude 3
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

In this time of political and economic uncertainty, many seek protection by investing in commodities.  In fact, Vic Sperandeo, President and CEO of EAM partners and the developer of the Trader Vic Index recommends a 5 to 15 percent exposure to commodities in one’s portfolio.  (1)  What makes commodities such as Gold valuable, and even more valuable during economic uncertainty is the scarcity principle.  (2)  This is because rare metals such as gold have a limited supply and during times of uncertainty when investors are seeking a hedge to protect their portfolios experience increased demand, increasing the price for these commodities.  This is good news for those already owning these assets but unfortunately bad news for those seeking to invest when prices are high.  Unfortunately, we are also witnessing the decrease in supply of another important commodity, the commodity of truth.

Jude 3 urges us to contend for our faith.  This appeal is in the context of Jude warning believers about certain people that had crept into the church who were perverting the grace of God into sensuality, denying our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (Jude 4).

While it is uncertain who Jude was referring to as false teachers, many theologians believe them to be Gnostics.  (3)  Gnosticism is a belief that is mutually exclusive of Christianity for it believes,

1)      A dualism exists regarding spirit and matter.  This leads to the belief that anything done in the body, including the grossest or most perverse sin has no meaning for real life exists in the spirit realm.  (4)
2)       Claims to possess an elevated knowledge.  Gnostics believe they are among a select few that have attained this knowledge not through the Bible but through some mystical higher plane of existence.  (4)

It is possible Jude was concerned that believers could be deceived into believing gnostic dualism and believe the grace of God permitted them to continue in their sins since things done in the flesh are meaningless.  He also might have had concerns that believers might become puffed up with pride believing they were part of a select few.  Either one or both would have meant disaster for the early church. 

We must continue to be on guard against Gnosticism creeping into our churches today as well.  For example, in the interest of building a church instead of breaking a heart, being politically correct at the expense of being biblically correct, and coddling and comforting the congregation instead of stirring and convicting, many pastors water down the message so as not to offend.  This robs the flock of the totality of the truth of God’s Word and is most likely the reason many in the church actually feel discouraged and beaten down.  (5) 

We also see Christians acting holier than thou when speaking about what they see in our culture instead of pointing them to Jesus Christ, the source of their salvation.  Granted part of contending for our faith is speaking out against the perversion and sin in our culture but we must be careful to judge the actions and not the sinner who needs the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I heard a caller on the radio share some wise advice today.  When telling someone she was a Christian, they did not believe her because she never judged them for their sin.  Her answer was that the high standard she had chosen to live according to was to judge her and not others.  We therefore as believers must follow the appeal of Jude and contend for our faith but we must temper it with the truth of God’s Grace contained in Scripture and instead of judging, bring others to Christ. 

In the information age, there is no shortage of information.  However, there is a shortage of truth.  Jesus reminds us that knowledge of the truth sets us free (John 8:32).  However, to discern truth from lies, one must possess some standard of truth from which to judge.  The Bible, the Word of God, is the source of truth by which myself, and thousands of other believers have decided to live their lives.  I therefore urge everyone reading this to invest in truth by making Jesus the Lord of their lives and studying the truth of God’s Word for failure to make this investment makes us vulnerable to destructive lies and deception. 

I now invite you to begin the truth process by praying with me and making Jesus Lord of your life,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

Now I pray you will increase the value of your investment in truth by regularly studying God’s Word, the Bible and find a church teaching the totality of the Bible in order to increase your knowledge of truth. 

May God bless everyone reading this.

1. Whittaker, Mark. How to Hedge Against Inflation With Commodities. [Online] U.S. News Investing, August 19, 2016. [Cited: March 29, 2017.]

2. Investopedia. Scarcity Principle. [Online] Investopedia. [Cited: March 29, 2017.]

3. Elder, Gregory. Jude: Warning against false teachers. [Online] Redlands Daily Facts Lifestyle, September 23, 2009. [Cited: March 30, 2017.]

4. Got What is Christian Gnosticism? [Online] Got [Cited: March 30, 2017.]

5. Idleman, Shane. Joel Osteen: Preach God's Truth; Don't Avoid Sin, Repentance. [Online] The Christian Post, May 29, 2016. [Cited: March 30, 2017.]

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