Saturday, February 10, 2018

Making America Great Again: Building Upon a Foundation of Prayer

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Nehemiah 2:4-5
And let me have a letter written to Asaph, keeper of the king’s forest, so that he will give me timber to rebuild the gates of the temple’s fortress, the city wall, and the home where I will live.”[a] The king granted my requests, for the gracious hand of my God was on me.

In 2016 voters in the United States expressed their desire for a change in direction for the nation with the election of an outsider, Donald Trump.  Ballooning national debt threatening future generations (1), lackluster economic performance (2), and massive invasion at the southern border due to open borders (3) moved voters to the poles in 2016 to express their desire for change.  The election of someone who had never held office before also demonstrates voter disgust with the Washington establishment, believing it was time for innovative change from outside government establishment. 

Much like Nehemiah, Donald Trump saw the state of the nation and made the decision to run for President.  Unlike career politicians who run for office as a career, Donald Trump truly ran for office out of love for the country.  Donald Trump has nothing to gain in the context of his success in business by becoming President.  Therefore, his only motivation for running for President and subjecting himself to the constant barrage of ridicule and concocted stories and scandals must be a genuine love for country.

In Nehemiah 1:4-11 we find the lengthy prayer of Nehemiah upon finding out the great trouble of his people in Jerusalem.  As we studied last Saturday, this prayer provides a pattern for intercessory prayer and closely follows the pattern of the Lords prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.  In Nehemiah 2:4 however, we see another prayer of Nehemiah quickly offered prior to his reply to the king he served.  While scripture does not provide the contents of this prayer, since it occurs in the middle of a conversation with the king, we can surmise it was brief and offered silently from Nehemiah’s heart. 

Nehemiah 2:5-9 however, shows the effectiveness of this short prayer and shows that it is not the length of our prayers that matters but the sincerity of it.  (4)  The swift answer came with the king not only granting permission for Nehemiah to go but also provision of building materials along with letters of recommendation to political leaders he would encounter on his way to Jerusalem.  However, Nehemiah 2:10 speaks of opposition that Nehemiah will encounter despite this help from the king. 

Christians around the world are concerned with the ungodly slide of culture.  This concern has caused many to drop to their knees like Nehemiah in intercession for the sins of society calling for a turn to God for forgiveness and restoration.  Many also feel the calling in their hearts to do something to bring about Godly change in our nations and like Nehemiah may find themselves overwhelmed with fear (Nehemiah 2:2).  When encountering these times, a short sincere prayer to God has the power to unlock God’s provision for the mission from unexpected sources.  However, this miraculous provision does not mean that there will not be opposition demonstrating the need for fervent intercessory prayer as seen throughout the rebuilding program of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 4:1-9). 

As God’s people continue to pray for revival in our world, there will be times of fear.  For some this fear is a fear of harm or loss of life as they live in nations where Christianity is illegal.  For others living in nations with freedom of religion, this fear may be fear of rejection.  In either case, God’s people must respond as Nehemiah did by offering a quick prayer to God for provision to continue the mission of spreading the Gospel in our communities.  Since opposition will come as the spreading of the Gospel threatens Satan and his grip on lost humanity, God’s people must also continue intercessory prayer for revival. 

There is a spiritual war occurring between God’s people fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-18) and Satan seeking to take as many people to hell with him as he can.  The only way to win this war is through putting on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17) and praying continually (Ephesians 6:18).  Making America or any nation great begins with a foundation of prayer and as God’s people pray, God will miraculously alleviate fear, provide resources necessary for continuing the work, and help overcome opposition. 

1. Grasso, David. A toxic legacy for my generation. [Online] CNN, February 9, 2018. [Cited: February 9, 2018.]

2. Economic Record: President Obama. [Online] Politicsthatwork. [Cited: February 9, 2018.]

3. Lillis, Mike. Illegal immigrant numbers skyrocket at Mexican border. [Online] The Hill, May 4, 2016. [Cited: February 9, 2018.]

4. Spurgeon, C.H. Brief, Silent Prayer. [Online] Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, September 9, 1877. [Cited: February 9, 2018.]

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