Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Delighting in God’s Word (Part 8): Obedience Because of Grace

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Psalm 119:57
The Lord is my portion;[a]
I have promised to keep your words.

On February 21, 2018 the world lost a great soldier for Christ, Billy Graham.  During his life Billy Graham preached to more than 100 million people in person and millions more via television, satellite, and film.  Nearly 3 million people responded to his invitation to accept Jesus into their hearts.  (1)  I remember attending a Billy Graham crusade as a child in Arizona and was amazed that thousands would turn out to hear someone preach from the Bible.  As I have matured and grown in my relationship to Christ I now understand the importance of sharing the Gospel, something that was the passion of Dr. Graham’s heart. 

While the world will miss Dr. Graham, we, who have made Jesus our savior have the opportunity to carry on his legacy by sharing the Gospel with others.  While we may not share the Gospel with millions as Dr. Graham did, we have a sphere of influence that God has placed us in and have a duty or calling to share the Gospel with those in that we influence through our words and the way we live.  While we may feel unworthy to share the Gospel with others due to times of disobedience to God’s Word in our lives even after accepting Jesus as our savior, we who have accepted Jesus as our savior are as worthy to share our faith as we could ever be. 

The word portion in Psalm 119:57 is the Hebrew word khay’lek.  (2)  A better meaning in our modern language would be inheritance.  When someone receives Jesus as their personal savior, they are adopted into the family of God (Romans 8:14-16) and have an inheritance in the Kingdom of God.  As we begin to realize the magnitude of the inheritance we have in Christ, obedience and sharing the Gospel should be the goal of our lives. 

The order of grace then obedience and not I obey therefore I am saved is illustrated in Psalm 119:57-64 as the psalmist acknowledges,

1)      God is his inheritance therefore he promises to obey the precepts of God (Psalm 119:57) – The psalmist has the order correct here for we do not obey and then achieve salvation and a right standing with God for we are saved by God’s grace not our works (Ephesians 2:8).  While this might make it appear one can go on sinning even after accepting God’s gracious gift of salvation for the psalmist goes on to promise to keep God’s words because God is his inheritance.  While James 2:26 tells us faith without works is dead, James is talking to believers and not unbelievers so he is speaking to those that profess Jesus as their savior.  For those people a faith making this profession not accompanied with works of obedience to the Word of God is a dead faith. 
2)      A repentant heart seeking God’s favor and grace (Psalm 119:58-59) – Biblical repentance is turning away from a life of sin.  Genuine disciples of Christ fervently seek God’s favor through making Jesus their savior and striving to live in obedience to the decrees contained in the Bible.  However, one turning from their previous sinful life must accompany this fervent seeking to live in obedience. 
3)      A sense of urgency at obeying God’s Word (Psalm 119:60) – As the psalmist we must give obedience to God’s Word urgency in our lives.  Matthew 6:21 tells us that our heart is in what we treasure most in our lives.  If our greatest treasure is obedience to God and His Word, we are living lives of urgency to obedience of God.  If, however, we have something in our lives that has greater urgency then God, we may have something for which we must repent. 
4)      Resisting the temptations of the wickedness surrounding him (Psalm 119:61) – In the modern media and social media age, the pressure of peer pressure can act like ropes holding us captive with pressure to conform to the sinful and harmful lifestyles and philosophies of the world.  We therefore must as the psalmist study to learn and not forget the precepts of God’s Word to continue living in obedience to the Word of God.
5)      A thankful heart at all times (Psalm 119:62) – There was nothing requiring God showing fallen humanity grace except His love for them.  This is why like the psalmist we must live with thankful hearts, thankful for the grace God has extended to us instead of giving us death (Romans 6:23) as we deserved. 
6)      Eagerness to connect with other believers (Psalm 119:63) – One of the best ways of combatting peer pressure is to have different peers.  Those choosing to make Jesus their savior must find different peers that believe as they do.  As the psalmist sought friends that also fear God, believers in Christ must seek out a church community of believers and make them their peers.
7)      A world full of the love and the grace of God leading to an eagerness to learn God’s Word (Psalm 119:64) – As we look out over creation we see the majesty of God our creator.  Even those choosing not to believe in Jesus as their savior experience this beauty, demonstrating the faithful love of God.  For those choosing to believe in Jesus as their savior, this beauty should create a greater desire to know more about our wonderful creator who sent His Only Son to die for us. 

For those reading this who have not made the decision to ask Jesus to save them from their sins, I invite you to pray with me now,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

May we as God’s people make obedience and the study of God’s Word the passion of our lives.  When we do we will become empowered to share our faith and the life changing message of the Gospel with those within our sphere of influence for when we do, we have a tremendous opportunity to carry on the legacy of Billy Graham.  Will you join me in making this the mission of your life?

1. Shelley, Marshall. Evangelist Billy Graham Has Died. [Online] Christianity Today. [Cited: March 3, 2018.]

2. khay'lek. [Online] [Cited: March 3, 2018.]

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