Saturday, July 14, 2018

Satisfaction for Spiritual Hunger and Thirst

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.

Psalm 42:1 compares a hunger and thirst for God to a deer panting for water.  A deer only pants when hot and living in a dry desolate place or when running from something.  Perhaps Jesus words in Matthew 5:6 are in reference to this psalm, causing us to ponder our commitment to God’s righteousness provided through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 

We live in a sinful parched world in which all have sinned (Romans 3:23).  In this parched land we seek refreshment and escape from our hunger and thirst.  Unfortunately, many do not seek this refreshment and nourishment from God but instead seek it from,

1)      Self-medication – As opposed to medication under orders and supervision of a physician, many in our communities turn to forms of self-medication (i.e. alcohol and drugs) as a means of escaping their problems.  While these substances may give temporary escape, one cannot escape the reality of their problems and do not find long-lasting solutions to their problems.  (1)
2)      Illicit pleasure – Similar to self-medication, some also seek temporary relief to the inner struggles through elicit pleasures like pornography or casual sexual encounters.  (1)  Not only are these pleasures only temporary but they carry with them the danger of diseases and an unwanted pregnancy.  There is much argument over President Trump’s choice for the Supreme Court around the Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal in the United States.  What never receives mention in the argument is the demand for abortions comes from people seeking fulfillment of their inner struggle through illicit sex seeking a means to eliminate the resulting pregnancy.   
3)      Career – Unlike self-medication and illicit pleasure, career is something beneficial in one’s life.  However, work can become addictive just like drugs and sex.  (2)  Tech start-ups actually expect their employees to devote themselves totally to their work at the expense of a personal or social life.  However, just like drugs and sex, one seeking filling of their inner hunger through a career will be disappointed.  This is because a career is only one economic downturn or management decision away from elimination. 
4)      Politics – Former Republican leader in the U.S. Senate, Trent Lott, equated leading the Senate to one herding cats.  (3)  With this metaphor, Mr. Lott illustrates the uncertainty of the body politic, yet many seek fulfillment of their inner hunger from politics, believing the next election will elect the great leader that will solve all of their problems.  2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 teaches about the man of lawlessness that will emerge upon the political scene in the last days.  Many who place their trust in politics to solve their problems will believe this is the one to solve the worlds problems and create nirvana only to be disappointed when he is cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:3).  Sadly, if they took the Mark of the Beast, they will join their leader (Revelation 14:11).  While politics is important and affects our daily lives, it is not able to fill the inner hunger that only a relationship with Christ can fill.  As Christians we should vote making our voice heard but we also must remember that politicians are flawed individuals like all of us and will disappoint us. 
5)      Moralism – Moralism is a false gospel negating the need for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.  This is because the law or moral code existed prior to the birth of Christ.  If obedience to this code or law was enough to save us, Jesus death on the cross was not necessary. However, the Bible reminds us in Romans 3:23 that we all have sinned and in Ephesians 2:8 that our salvation is not earned from our works but accomplished through the grace of God.  Those seeking fulfillment of their inner hunger through moralism live lives of doubt as to their standing with God and disappointment when they violate their moral code. 

Sin in our lives and the world has left an insatiable hunger and thirst in the hearts of all that only a relationship with God through Jesus Christ can fill.  All other things we do to fill this hunger and thirst will ultimately disappoint us but God has promised never to leave us (Deuteronomy 4:31).  Jesus said He is the way of truth and life (John 14:6).  I invite you to pray with me now and fill the hunger sin has left in your life,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

The way is now open for you to finally fill the raging hunger and thirst in your life brought on by sin.  Just as we must eat and drink regularly to fill our physical hunger, we must begin the regular practice of the spiritual disciplines of prayer and study of the Bible to continue satisfying this hunger.  To make this more effective, you should find a church teaching the Bible, so you have better understanding of who God is. 

May God bless everyone reading this post. 

1. Ph.D., Stephen A. Diamond. Avoidance, Sobriety and Reality: The Psychology of Addiction. [Online] Psychology Today, February 28, 2010. [Cited: July 13, 2018.]

2. Ph.D., Alan A. Cavailoa. The New Workaholism. [Online] Psychology Today, September 6, 2017. [Cited: July 13, 2018.]

3. Marshall, Andrew. Lott finds battle for Senate unity as easy as herding cats. [Online] Independent, January 31, 1999. [Cited: July 13, 2018.]

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