Saturday, January 12, 2019

Genuine Christianity: Teamwork

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Philippians 2:19-22
 Now I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon so that I too may be encouraged by news about you. 20 For I have no one else like-minded who will genuinely care about your interests; 21 all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22 But you know his proven character, because he has served with me in the gospel ministry like a son with a father.

The church is referred to as the body of Christ.  This illustration teaches us that like a body, the church consists of many unique parts with different roles that when working together form a healthy functioning body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).  The unique ability of a healthy church full of divergent parts working together is what a divided and hate filled world must see.  It is also how individuals in the church show love for one another, showing the world what it means to be a disciple of Christ (John 13:34-35). 

Paul is writing the letter to the Philippian church from prison.  Just as healthy parts of our body rally to support sick or injured parts of our body, Timothy and Epaphroditus come to the aid of the Apostle Paul.  In Philippians 2:12-18, the Apostle expressed his concern about the members of the Church working out their salvation in Paul’s absence.  Besides needing someone to deliver the letter to the Church, the Apostle Paul also needed Timothy and Epaphroditus to report back on the well-being of the church and their progress in working out their salvation. 

Besides demonstrating the need for teamwork in the body of Christ, Philippians 2:19-30  illustrates the care taken by Paul in selecting Timothy and Epaphroditus. 

1)      Timothy (Philippians 2:19-24) – Timothy is a team player who Paul sees as like-minded having a servant’s heart.  Self-absorption is nothing new for even the Apostle Paul observes that all seek their own interests.  Paul, however, praises the proven character of Timothy who served Paul selflessly.  Paul demonstrates confidence in sending Timothy to Philippi knowing that from his heart of service and loyalty to the Lord, he will provide an honest assessment of the well-being of the church.  In selecting members of a team, whether in ministry or some other purpose, it is important to select team members with character that will provide an honest assessment of things. 
2)      Epaphroditus (Philippians 2:25-30) – Epaphroditus is a faithful worker who apparently worked so hard for the sake of the gospel that he almost died.  While no one, including myself, condones working one’s self to death for the sake of Christ, his willingness to do this demonstrates commitment.  However, a leader must insure those they lead that have such extreme commitment take care of themselves and do not work themselves to death.  Every church or organization needs team members that work tirelessly due to their deep commitment to Christ or the organization. 

Genuine Christianity must have a sense of teamwork.  Every Christian leader has a need for people on his or her team like Timothy who possess a godly character and servants’ heart.  The ministry team also needs people like Epaphroditus who work tirelessly with dedication to keep the ministry going.  However, the ministry leader must insure no one becomes weary in well doing (Galatians 6:9) and look out for those working so hard they neglect their health or family. 

A divided world in chaos needs to witness genuine Christianity in action.  They live in a world led by individuals of questionable character that look out for their own interest and use people to achieve what they want.  The world is also filled with people lacking a good work ethic providing sub-standard products and services.  My prayer is that the body of Christ would rise up demonstrating a Christ-like character and work ethic for through this the world will begin to understand what it is to be a disciple of Christ. 

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