Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Calm in the Storms of Life

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Scriptural text:  Mark 4:35-41

Psalm 23:1-2
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.

The secular world is a world of turmoil.  There is political turmoil that divides nations and people leading to loss of friendships, divisions in families, and in extreme cases, war.  Economic turmoil can lead to loss or destruction of wealth that people have spent a lifetime acquiring.  Religious turmoil has a history of war and murder especially for Christians in many parts of the world who continue to suffer persecution for their beliefs.  Everyone must also deal with the inner turmoil within their souls as they struggle to trust and find contentment in their relationship with God. 

While the turmoil of life resembles the stormy waters of the Sea of Galilee, Our Good Shepherd, Jesus wants to lead us beside still or calm waters (Psalm 23:2).  In Mark 4:35-41, we see Jesus asleep during a dangerous storm with everyone else in panic even though the Good Shepherd was with them wanting to lead beside still waters.  The fact that the Disciples were afraid even though Jesus was with them prompts Jesus to ask them why they were afraid.  This probing question is one all believers should ask for in so probing our hearts, we will find idols other than God that we fear losing.  As believers in Jesus as Savior, Christians must remove the idols of,

1)      Politics – This is not a call for Christians to totally abandon any political involvement for not only are Christians commanded to pray for their leaders (1 Timothy 2:2), but work to place Godly people in office through the electoral process.  However, politics becomes an idol when it becomes the first place Christians turn to for solutions to turmoil in their lives.  While this is a political blog, its purpose is not to call people to political activism but instead a call to prayer for political leaders and greater dependence and intimacy with God in the lives of those reading it.  God’s people are to seek God first, leaving the calming of the storm to Him (Matthew 6:33) for the political powers behind political turmoil are spiritual requiring spiritual weapons (Ephesians 6:10-12). 
2)      Money – Money is not evil but necessary for one to function in the modern economy.  The problem is when people love money and it becomes the idol people turn to when they have an economic need in their lives (1 Timothy 6:10).  Seeking of the Kingdom of God that meets the needs of Christians occurs as Christians give to their church as God directs, the church takes these offerings and uses them to spread the Gospel and make disciples (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20).  In return, God brings peace to economic turmoil through the provision of the needs of the giver and the church (Philippians 4:19). 
3)      Religion – While it is common to equate Christianity with religion, it is much more for it is a restored personal relationship with God, made possible through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.  Religions are earthly organizations promoting spirituality.  Christian religions and denominations are religious organizational structures through which spreading of the Gospel can occur through efficient use of resources.  However, simply becoming a member of a church organization does not bring spiritual peace in one’s life.  Spiritual calm comes as one acknowledges their sinful state and that they are under a death penalty due to the sin in their lives (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23).  The calm comes when we acknowledge Jesus died for us in our sinful state and that we can receive total forgiveness and salvation (Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9-10). 
4)      Liberty – The Bible reminds that liberty is wherever the Spirit of the Lord is (2 Corinthians 3:17).  In countries like the United States where religious liberty and freedom of speech are a matter of law, it is easy to make the law an idol that protects liberty.  In fact, many have died defending and upholding the Constitution and laws of the country.  However, these documents and laws are fragile and not something Christians should depend on for liberty that calms the storms of life.  Instead, Christians must depend upon the Spirit of God within their hearts to bring needed calm due to the storms of life. 

Jesus promised that in this world we will experience trouble or storms in life, but also reminds us he has overcome these troubles (John 16:33).  The key to finding calm in the storm is not some earthly idol of creation but faith in the creator.  It was the creator in the person of Jesus Christ that calmed the storm on the sea of Galilee (Mark 4:35-41).  Turn to the creator and not some political, monetary, religious, or legal idol when the storms come. 

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