Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Deception of Following the Heart

By:  Dale Weckbacher   

Text:  Mark 7:14-23

Mark 7:20-21a
And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. 21 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts,

In seeking life, liberty, and happiness, we often hear the term “follow your heart.”  While this term brings a perception of finding peace and unity in a divided and contentious world, the following of the whims of the heart is a deception leading to evil (Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:20-23).  In this text (Mark 7:14-23), Jesus illustrates how it is what is within the heart of someone and not what they eat or drink that defiles a person.  Once again this illustrates why we need a savior, Jesus Christ, to rid our hearts of evil. 

This passage begins with Jesus calling the people to him instead of the people thronging to his as they have done when seeking a miracle (Mark 7:14).  While Scripture does not tell us why Jesus had to call the people to Him at this time instead of them seeking Him out, we can surmise that the crowd around Jesus this time were not seeking a miracle.  Not wanting to let the opportunity to teach slip away, Jesus takes this opportunity to teach.  Perhaps in the context of His previous discourse with the Pharisees and Scribes (Mark 7:1-13), Jesus speaks of how the food one eats does not defile them thus making all foods clean (Mark 7:19).  While the text does not tell us if any of the Pharisees or Scribes were in this crowd, it is Jesus removing another religious tradition that was holding people in bondage.  It also provides guidance by pointing out the real source of defilement in one’s life, what is in one’s heart.  Ending defilement in one’s life requires,

1)      Realizing that everyone has a defiled heart (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:23) – Jesus concludes this passage with a list of the evil contained in the hearts of fallen people (Mark 7:21-22).  The fact that the hearts of people are a warehouse for such thoughts is why it is not wise to follow one’s heart.  This is why those choosing to follow Christ must experience an ongoing mental transformation that results in a heart transformation that liquidates the inventory of evil contained in the heart (Romans 12:2). 
2)      Realizing a renewed heart comes through the gateway of a renewed mind (Romans 12:2) – The gateway to a renewed heart is a renewed mind.  However, a renewed mind is not automatic for Christians do not receive a mental transformation at salvation but forgiveness of sin.  Romans 12:2 describes this ongoing process that requires diligence and discipline on the part of one desiring to serve Jesus Christ.  This is diligence in the study of the Bible, regular and constant prayer to God, and meditation on what one learns from the study of the Bible.
3)      Meditation over Scripture renewing the mind brings a renewal of the heart (Joshua 1:8) – The key to this heart renewal is not simply reading the Bible to read it but reading it to find passages of scripture speaking to our hearts that we can meditate or mull over in our mind.  As we do this, we experience a renewal of our minds and hearts. 
4)      Prayer throughout the day helps one live free from the deceptions of the heart (Romans 12:9-21) – One of the marks of a true Christian is consistency in prayer.  However, this is more than praying once a day or over meals but constant prayer.  This does not mean Christians are to forget about working or doing the things needed in life but that they are to do them with a constant attitude of prayer.  By making this a practice in one’s life, his or her reaction to problems occurring throughout the day will not be a heart reaction of evil or sin but instead taking it to God as the communication line of prayer remains open. 

A true Christian does not follow their heart for they understand the defilement contained in their hearts (Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:20-23).  Instead, a true Christian understands the need to renew his or her mind (Romans 12:2), meditate day and night on Scripture to bring renewal of their defiled heart (Joshua 1:8), and be in constant prayer throughout the day to keep the communication line with God open (Romans 12:9-21).  However, renewal of the mind and heart begins with one having a personal relationship with God through acceptance of Jesus as Savior.  If you have not done that, I invite you to please pray with me now,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

Those that just prayed should now continue the renewal process by finding a church or Bible study teaching the Bible.  This will bring a greater understanding of Scripture so you can start the process of meditating on the truths in the Bible.   However, this meditation is not like eastern meditation where one empties their mind of all thoughts and instead, a filling of one’s mind with truth from the Bible.  I also encourage those that just prayed to learn the practice of prayer throughout the day to develop the habit of going to God, instead of their hearts, for guidance as problems and challenges occur throughout the day.  May God bless all reading this post. 

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