Friday, December 11, 2020

Ministry in the Power of the Holy Spirit


By:  Dale Weckbacher


Text:  Acts 13:4-12


Acts 13:4

 So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus. 



I must apologize for not having a post this past Wednesday, but I have been having computer issues that have now been resolved.  This is just another aspect of 2020 that thankfully will soon be behind us, not that 2020 caused my computer problems, but that we all must press forward in Christ despite the chaos of 2020.  I also want to thank everyone for praying for my wife who is battling colon cancer and currently going through chemo treatments which will continue till March of 2021.  She is doing well and despite having cancer, the cancer is not spreading, but the process of the chemo can be painful and uncomfortable.  This leads me to ask everyone to pray for those who are battling non-covid19 health issues.  While I understand the focus on dealing with a new deadly virus, especially to those with other health issues, we must not neglect to pray for those dealing with other health issues.  Last week when I took my wife to her chemo treatment, I saw a waiting room full of people going in for chemo treatments which means that cancer, as well as Covid19, remain a serious health issue. 


The text of Acts 13:4-12 begins by telling us that Barnabas and Paul were sent out by the Holy Spirit.  This is in obedience to Jesus' instruction to His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit before beginning to minister (Acts 1:4) and that the Holy Spirit is our source of empowerment as we share the Gospel (Acts 1:8).  As Paul begins his missionary ministry in Cyprus, Acts 13:4-12 illustrates how ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit brings a dynamic to ministry that overcomes resistance and causes people to believe.  Ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit involves,


1)      Waiting on God’s timing (Acts 13:4) – Jesus gave specific instructions to his believers in Acts 1:4 not to begin ministry until receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus knew those following Him who saw Him after His resurrection from the dead were excited and like the woman at the well (John 4:28-30), wanted to let the world the good news.  However, Jesus also knew there would be resistance and that many of those professing a belief in Jesus as the Christ would die for their faith.  We do not know how much time transpired from the conversion of Paul in Acts 9:1-19 and the beginning of his ministry in Acts 13:4-12 but Scripture clearly states that Paul and Barnabas went to Cyprus under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  The time between the conversion of Paul and him going to Cyprus was most likely a time of preparation for ministry.  As many reading this may be quarantined in their homes and unable to attend church services, I pray we use the time to prepare for what God has for us in 2021 and beyond.  This does not mean 2021 will be easy but that we can take this downtime to receive empowerment by the Holy Spirit in preparation for what lies ahead. 

2)      Going when the time comes (Acts 13:5-6) – Paul and Barnabas did not hesitate once the Holy Spirit sent them out.  Once the Holy Spirit sends someone to minister, there should be no hesitation for the Holy Spirit will empower the one sent (Acts 1:8).  The Holy Spirit empowering one to go as directed is also the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, bringing life to our mortal bodies.  Any hesitation indicates the presence of fear which is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7).  With the deaths of Stephen and James the brother of John, Paul and Barnabas had a reason for fear but under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit went knowing that if they were to die for their faith, they would immediately be with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-9).  God empowers believers with the Holy Spirit to go and not just bask in God’s glory. 

3)      Boldly declaring truth when facing opposition (Acts 13:7-11) – Upon arriving at Paphos, Paul and Barnabas encounter resistance from a false Jewish prophet named Bar-Jesus who is accompanied by the proconsul Sergius Paulus.  The proconsul wants to hear the word of God from Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:7) but Bar-Jesus also known as Elymas has an ulterior motive of keeping the proconsul from faith in Jesus (Acts 13:8).  Since this is the first missionary trip of Paul, it is crucial that Paul remain firm in his faith and presents the message of the Gospel under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Paul does not back down and instead looks intently at Elymas saying, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?” (Acts 13:10) Paul then declares that the hand of the Lord is upon him and that Elymas will be blind for a time, which happens immediately (Acts 13:11).  God honors Paul’s boldness by rendering the opposition helpless. 

4)      Turning the tables on the opposition (Acts 13:12) – Instead of the proconsul abandoning the faith, he believes after seeing what happened to Elymas and is astonished at the teaching from Paul and Barnabas.  When one ministers in the power of the Holy Spirit and goes where the Holy Spirit directs, God can work powerfully and turn the tables on any resistance. 


The year 2020 has been challenging for all, including the Church.  The shutting down of churches could have been disastrous but instead, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, churches either expanded their online presence or found ways to live stream or show recorded sermons online.  While church online can never replace face-to-face gathering together which brings encouragement to people (Hebrews 10:25), it does expand the outreach of the Church in an affordable way.  Small churches gathering in small communities can now have a national and even a global outreach.  Going into all the world with the Gospel and making disciples (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20) has never been easier but the Church must still ensure they minister in the power of the Holy Spirit to be effective.  Please join me in praying that the tables will turn on the enemy’s schemes to stop the Church using shutdowns and that instead the Church thrives and there is a revival in our world. 

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