Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Life Changing Choice.

 By:  Dale Weckbacher


Text: Romans 1:16-32


Romans 1:16-17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith,[a] as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.



The text of Romans 1:16-32 occurs in the section of Romans dealing with the guilt of humanity. Humanity is born into guilt from sin (Romans 3:23) and under a death sentence for their sins (Romans 6:23). Fortunately, our loving God sent His son Jesus to die for our sins so we can have a choice. In this section, Paul contrasts the consequences of one choosing the path of righteousness through faith in Jesus as Savior or rejecting God’s gift of salvation and continuing in the guilt to sin.


1)      The path of righteousness (Romans 1:16-17) – Paul had an encounter with Christ that would have been hard to ignore or reject. Most reading this did not see a blinding light hearing an audible voice of the Lord when they accepted Christ. Instead, most reading this experienced the conviction of the Holy Spirit and a realization that they needed a savior. This conviction gives one a choice of remaining in the guilt of their sin of taking a path of righteousness provided by the work of Jesus on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9).

2)      The path of unrighteousness (Romans 1:18-32) – The path of unrighteousness leading to God’s wrath is a default choice requiring no action since every individual is born into sin and in need of a savior. However, it is not God’s desire that anyone choose this path (2 Peter 3:9). While each person has the right to choose the path of unrighteousness, God’s creation gives them no excuse when it comes to God’s existence (Romans 1:18-20). However, continued rejection of God as one’s savior has consequences,

a.       God made us to worship something and if it is not God, it will be something in His creation (Romans 1:21-23). Paul is speaking to Romans who were pantheistic, believing in many gods. Rome was full of statues and temples built to worship these gods. Therefore, the choice of whether one chooses righteousness or unrighteousness is a choice of who one will worship.

b.       Succumbing to the lusts of the flesh (Romans 1:24-25). Disengaged from the worship of the God of truth, one begins to succumb to the lusts of the flesh seeking pleasure to fill the void in one’s life from the absence of God.

c.       Engaging in dishonorable passions (Romans 1:26-27). The only passion that can bring satisfaction to the soul is the satisfaction one receives from a personal relationship with God their creator. This disappointment with lusts of the flesh leads to one engaging in dishonorable passions as they continue to attempt fill the void in their lives with pleasures of the flesh.

d.       A debased mind (Romans 1:28-32). As one continues to experience disappointment with seeking pleasure from the flesh, they can become bitter and engage in a list of evil activities listed in Romans 1:28-31. Paul’s teaching concludes by stating that those continuing to follow the path of unrighteousness deserve to die (Romans 1:32).


Life is full of choices with the most important choice any individual makes is how they respond to the Gospel. Will they accept God’s gift of salvation provided by His grace through the work of Jesus on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9), or reject it, continuing in their unrighteousness. Those continuing in unrighteousness have no excuse for creation illustrates the invisible attributes of God (Romans 1:18-20). Continued living in unrighteousness results in idolatry, according to the perversions of the flesh, and engagement in sinful behaviors. This section of Romans occurs in the section on guilt with Paul establishing the difference between a life of righteousness by accepting Christ contrasted by an unrighteous life devolving into perversion and sinful behaviors (Romans 1:16-32)


People today have the same choice as the Romans Paul is addressing. Since Romans 3:23 says we all have sinned, the choice of unrighteousness is the default choice. Therefore, for one to change direction, one must choose to change direction. This is the role of the Gospel, a change of direction that leads to eternal life (John 3:16). There is no reason for anyone reading this to remain in his or her sin for while we were sinners, Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8). If you are reading this and have never prayed to make Jesus your savior, I encourage you to do so now by praying with me.


Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, spent three days in the grave, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.


Congratulations to those who just prayed because you have decided to spend eternity with God and escape His wrath. I encourage you to find out more about God, the one you will spend eternity with, by regular attendance in a Church teaching from the Bible. May God Challenge and bless everyone reading this post. 

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