Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Becoming an Informed Voter (Part 1: Introduction)

The excitement over Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan for VP continues.  There are massive crowds turning out to see Romney and Ryan but the most interesting observation I have made since the pick is that the campaign has gone from a referendum on Obama to a campaign focused on issues.  Since the Left has very few ideas they seem to have adopted a strategy of attacking their opponents in order to avoid the issues. 

With continuing high unemployment, millions on Food Stamps, and some even going on disability to survive, I believe the majority of Americans dislike negative campaigning and want the candidates to focus on issues that are important to them.  This is why over the next eight blog postings I plan to look at some of these issues so you can compare the candidates side by side and decide which candidate would be the best leader for our country over the next four years. 

In his August 14 article appearing at, John Hawkins painted a picture of what we can expect if Obama wins a second term (1).  Since Obama is the incumbent and Mitt Romney is running to replace him, looking at what another four years of an Obama Presidency would mean is a great place to start.  Mr. Hawkins provides 7 things we can expect so what I have planned over the next 7 postings is to have a detailed look at each of these things and what Romney has planned to do to combat them.  This way you as the reader and voter can make a side-by-side comparison and decide if you would like to retain Obama for another four years so he can completely implement his plan or if you believe the country needs a change of direction. 

As homework, I am providing a list of the seven things Mr. Hawkins mentioned in his article so you can begin doing some of your own research.  As usual, I welcome your comments and only ask that the conversation remain civil.  You can also find me on Facebook at and on twitter at @polavenger.  Here is the list of things Obama plans on doing with his second term according to Mr. Hawkins. 

1.       America's credit rating slides further:
2.       The middle class will see massive tax increases:
3.       Gas and energy prices will be dramatically higher:
4.       Obamacare goes into effect:
5.       The Supreme Court moves to the left:
6.       Get ready for open borders:
7.       Gun control will be a priority: (1)

Informed voters are smart voters and with the importance of this election, we need an army of smart informed voters showing up at the polls.  The future of our country is in the balance.  We cannot sustain the massive debt we are currently experiencing.  We are losing our nation’s best talent because of long protracted unemployment.  Our nation runs the risk of becoming like Greece and in fact in places like Detroit and California, it may have already happened but I have confidence that the American people will make a smart informed decision in November.  I Pray what we will be discussing over the next 7 weeks will arm you the voter with the information you need to make the right decision.  My plans are to post every Wednesday and publish postings on other topics on Saturdays. 

I look forward to hearing from each of you and may God bless everyone. 

1. Hawkins, John. 7 Things to Expect If Obama Is Elected to a Second Term. [Online], August 14, 2012. [Cited: August 15, 2012.]

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