Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pre-Convention Pep Talk

The Republican Convention is next week and even though hurricane Isaac may try to disrupt the event, the Convention will go on.  Even though the political conventions are not what they used to be because we usually know who the nominee is prior to the convention, they represent the start of the final push of the campaign prior to Election Day.  It also gives candidates an opportunity to speak during prime time and express their vision for the country. 

It is important that the tone of the Republican Convention remain on the main issues such as the economy, Obamacare, and putting people back to work.  Recently the media has been attempting to change the conversation from the main issues to side issues like Todd Akin’s remarks on rape.  Todd Akin does not define the Republican Party.  What defines the Republican Party is smaller government that is more responsible and a thriving private sector. 

Since the media has a constitutional right to report on anything they want, there is little we can do to stop their attempts to distract us.  What we as Republicans have to do is remained focused on the main issues and victory in November.  We must let this convention charge up the base.  The speakers at the convention need to drive home the message that what has been occurring the last 4 years is unacceptable and we are ready for change that works. 

Mitt Romney is not perfect and there are many issues conservatives, like me, disagree with but he is our nominee and he is far better than Obama.  However, Mitt Romney cannot do it alone and needs our help.  I encourage everyone attending or watching the convention to use the energy from the convention to propel Romney over the finish line to victory in November.  The future of our great nation is at stake and this is our opportunity to do our part to save the nation.  If you can, I encourage everyone to go to and contribute if you can, or you can volunteer, or both. 

I had someone on Twitter this week ask what my plans were if Romney loses.  It did not take me long to reply and say that I did not have one for losing is not an option, we must win this one.  

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