Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Speak Loudly and be Heard

One of the most frustrating things today is that no matter how much we email, call, or write our representatives, senators, or the White House, they seem to be hard of hearing.  On the other hand, maybe our government officials have selective hearing.  Whatever the case, it seems the principles of freedom and liberty are out of style at least where our government officials are concerned.   In fact, it seems we may be the only ones that still hold to the values of our founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence they authored. 

 However, according to a Rasmussen poll, 61 percent of Americans still consider Independence Day to be one of our nation’s most important holidays (1)  so we are not alone.  However, many of us may be afraid to speak up out of fear we may offend someone.  We also may believe speaking up is useless so why bother.  Many of us are also extremely busy in this sluggish economy just trying to make ends meet and may not believe we have the time to speak up or make a difference.  However, this is not the time to sit back and be a spectator.  If our founders were alive today I believe they would be using every tool at their disposal to get the message of freedom and liberty out to the masses. 

Hillsdale College encouraged us to read the Declaration of Independence this Fourth of July and I know many did.  As we read the declaration past the well-known preamble, we discover that the Colonists had many grievances with the British Crown and like us today, their grievances seemed to be falling in deaf ears.  The decision to go to war with the British Army was not one the Colonists came arrived at quickly.  They had exhausted every possibility and felt there was no other choice left but to go to war. 

Are we reliving history and in a pre-revolutionary state in our nation today?  Have we exhausted every possibility to save our country and keep us from going over the cliff as a nation?  Is it possible that the United States will have a coup similar to what we just witnessed in Egypt?  (2) It is impossible to accurately predict what could happen in the future but if our leaders continue to ignore the grievances of the citizens, anything is possible. 

However, we have something that the Colonists in 1776 did not have.  We are not living in a monarchy as the Colonists were and can elect new leaders that will listen to the people.  Liberal Progressive statists understand this, which is why they object to requirements to show ID when voting.  They know that the majority opinion in our nation goes against their progressive liberal ideas and want to insure they can rig elections in their favor. 

However, the Tea Party proved in 2010 that no matter how much liberal progressives attempt to rig the electoral process, we can achieve victory when we show up in massive numbers.  This is why the next two elections in 2014 and 2016 are critical.  This is not the time to be silent.

When we encounter someone hard of hearing, we have to speak loudly in order to be heard.  This is what we did in 2010 and the result was demoting Nancy Pelosi to minority leader in the House and taking away the super majority of Democrats in the Senate.  In 2014 we must increase the Republican majority in the House by not just electing more Republicans but electing more staunch conservatives to the House.  We also need to elect a true conservative speaker and demote Boehner to just one vote in the House.  We also need to elect staunch conservatives to the Senate and demote Harry Reid to minority leader.

We then need to take that momentum and elect a staunch conservative to the White House in 2016 by deciding on one candidate and rallying the conservatives to make sure that man or woman is nominated.  Let us call this our form of a peaceful coup that does not require the taking up of arms. 

For those who still believe this is a waste of time, I encourage you to look at an article in the Politico conceding that they believe immigration reform will die in the House.  (3) This was not the case until we the people began speaking loudly.  In fact, in a poll conducted by John McLaughlin’s group, 60 percent of Hispanics favor border security over amnesty.  (4) Maybe Hispanics know that there are more than just people from Mexico, who are looking for work, coming across our open border. 

In addition, we are also making progress in transforming the majority thinking on abortion from pro-choice to pro-life according to a recent Gallup poll.  (5) Of course the current mainstream media ignores polls like this one because it does not promote the pro-choice agenda they want to promote.  However, we are all part of the alternative media and can make our voices heard on social media and through our blogs.  We can also call into talk radio shows and let our voices be heard. 

To help this process along, I will be using the next few posts to list our grievances.  Please feel free to use what is in these posts plus the links I will provide when you communicate with representatives, senators, the White House, and friends and neighbors.  Do not be afraid if you offend someone for you are only interested in preserving his or her liberties as well as your own. 

It is true that these are trying times for our nation but we have been down this road before and came out victorious.  Let us make our Founding Fathers proud and preserve the freedoms and liberties they risked their lives for. 

1. Rasmussen, Scott. Americans Still Embrace the Spirit of '76 . [Online] Rasmussen Reports, 2013. [Cited: July 9, 2013.]

2. Simon, Roger L. Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th? [Online] Fox News. [Cited: July 2, 2013.]

3. Lee, Tony. RIP: POLITICO CONCEDES IMMIGRATION REFORM WILL DIE IN HOUSE. [Online] Breitbart News, July 9, 2013. [Cited: July 10, 2013.]

4. Boyle, Matthew. POLL: HISPANICS WANT BORDER SECURITY, INTERIOR ENFORCEMENT BEFORE AMNESTY. [Online] Breitbart News, July 9, 2013. [Cited: July 10, 2013.]

5. Anderson, Jeffery H. Gallup: More Americans Are Pro-Life than Pro-Choice. [Online] the Weekly Standard, July 2, 2013. [Cited: July 10, 2013.]

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