Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Am Not Giving in to Fear.

By:  Dale Weckbacher

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Fear is an emotion we all experience at times in our lives.  However, as the above verse teaches us, its source is not from God.  As a believer in Christ when I experience fear, it is not the time to give up, it is a time to trust God and move forward with what God has planned for our lives. 

This week, Mitch McConnell, the minority leader of the U.S. Senate, survived a primary challenge from Matt Bevin by winning 60% of the vote.  (1) Some in the media are claiming McConnell cruised to victory (2) but only being able to win 60 percent of the vote from a candidate's own party is hardly a landslide victory.  Mitch McConnell has a lot of work to do to win in the general election. 

However, this victory against the “Tea Party” has caused many within the “Tea Party” to fear and believe the movement is dead.  (3)  On the other hand, some contend that the movement is not dead but regrouping.  (4)  Others contend that the movement’s structure means it can withstand low popularity and continue to exert a huge pull on the GOP.  (5) Therefore, in light of recent primary defeats, we must ask if the belief that the Tea Party is dead has credence.

First, we must define what the “Tea Party” is.  It is not a political party like the Republicans or Democrats but is a movement, or caucus if you will, within the Republican Party.  The Democrat Party also has its movements or caucuses (i.e. the feminist movement, the black caucus, the environmentalist movement, etc.).  Like the recent setbacks of the “Tea Party,” these movements have also suffered setbacks and defeats.  However, these movements continue to go on and have an influence on the Democrat Party. 

I refuse to fear that the Tea Party movement is dead even in light of the defeat to Mitch McConnell for now Mitch McConnell faces an uphill battle as he must convince the 40 percent of his own party to vote for him.  Most of this 40 percent are part of the Tea Party movement, a movement he vowed to crush.  (6)  In polling, the race between the democrat nominee Alison Grimes and Mitch McConnell is close (44.8% for McConnell and 44.2% for grimes) illustrating the need for McConnell to garner support from the Tea Party he vowed to crush.  (7) 

This need for Mitch McConnell to court the Tea Party vote demonstrates the power of the Tea Party movement in influencing elections.  Between now and November, we will witness many RINO Republicans seeking election moving to the right to court the Tea Party vote.  However, unlike in the past, those in the Tea Party Movement are wise to their strategy.  We understand that this movement to the right does not mean they are joining the movement but are simply trying to win our vote. 

Therefore, as a member of the Tea Party Movement, I demand promises that once winning election and winning a majority in the House and Senate, we in the Tea Party Movement would have a place at the table when it comes to crafting legislation to get this country back to its position of greatness.  Just as Democrats give environmentalists, feminists, and minorities a voice in legislation, we demand a voice. 

The Republican Establishment speaks of a big tent.  This is usually said to try to get minorities to join the Party.  How about a tent that is big enough to hold conservatives and the Tea Party Movement as well.  Is that too much to ask? 

1. Dana Bash, Paul Steinhauser, and Rachael Streitfeld. McConnell wins primary in Kentucky; he'll face Grimes. [Online] CNN, May 21, 2014. [Cited: May 24, 2014.]

2. Gerth, Joseph. McConnell crushes Bevin; Grimes cruises to win. [Online] The Courier Journal, 21 May, 2014. [Cited: May 24, 2014.]

3. Ponnuru, Ramesh. Is the tea party dead? [Online] The Chicago Tribune, May 23, 2014. [Cited: May 24, 2014.],0,5294481.story.

4. The Hamilton Spectator. Viewpoint: Tea Party movement: dead or regrouping? [Online] USA Today (excerpted), May 23, 2014. [Cited: May 24, 2014.]

5. Skocpol, Theda. Why the Tea Party Isn't Going Anywhere. [Online] The Atlantic, December 26, 2013. [Cited: May 24, 2014.]

6. Benson, Guy. McConnell: We're Going to 'Crush' Tea Party Candidates in GOP Primaries This Year. [Online], March 10, 2014. [Cited: May 24, 2014.]

7. The Huffington Post. Alison Lundergan Grimes Wins Primary In Kentucky Senate Race. [Online] The Huffington Post, May 20, 2014. [Cited: May 24, 2014.]

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