Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Spiritual Boot Camp (Part 6): Our Totally Qualified Commander in Chief

By:  Dale Weckbacher

1 Timothy 3:16
God was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory.

The contexts of first and second Timothy are letters written by Paul to young Timothy while awaiting his execution.  In the previous verses of 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Paul outlined the qualifications of earthly leaders in the church.  Our careful investigation of these qualifications determined the importance of these qualifications and even determined that these qualifications apply to leadership outside the church as well. 

In 1 Timothy 3:14-15, Paul expresses his hope to soon be able to see Timothy.  However, in the interim, he writes this letter as a means of encouraging young Timothy while he is delayed.  His purpose is that in his absence they may know how they are to behave as the Church of the Living God which stands as a buttress and pillar of truth in a world ruled by darkness and sin.  In truth, I believe Paul knew his current imprisonment would ultimately end with his execution and wanted to insure the church remained strong after he went to be with the Lord.

In 1 Timothy 3:16, Paul states that “Great indeed is the mystery of godliness.”  While we as mortal individuals may never totally understand this mystery, Paul proceeds to give us a brief synopsis of this mystery and contained in that synopsis we see the eminent qualifications of our commander in chief, Jesus Christ.  Let us now take a more in depth look at these qualifications for in them we can begin to understand why we as soldiers engaging in spiritual warfare can confidently enter into spiritual battle following Jesus Christ with no doubts.

1)      Intimately identifies with our situation – John1:14 tells us that the Word became flesh.  This verse is not speaking of how words written on a page somehow took on flesh and blood form and dwelt among us but is instead speaking of how the Word of God, which was contained in print, took on fleshly form in the person of Jesus Christ and dwelt among us.  The power of this statement is that God living in the sinless glory of heaven, where he could have stayed for eternity, thus sentencing us to eternal death in our sins instead chose to take on fleshly form and come to live with us.  As such, God was exposing Himself to the temptations, sins, and suffering of this world, making Him relatable to us.  However, even though God was exposed to the temptations and sins of this world, he never gave in and sinned making him eminently qualified to be the Lamb of God who could once and for all cover all of our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21).  As for suffering, Jesus voluntarily endured and suffered the judgment of god for our sins, taking on our death penalty so that we can escape that judgment by choosing Jesus as our savior.
2)      Justified by the Spirit – After John baptized Jesus the heavens opened up and the Spirit of God descended and settled upon Jesus.  Then everyone heard a voice from heaven declaring, “This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with him.”  (Matthew 3:16-17).  Earthly leaders seeking office seek endorsements that they believe to be a stamp of approval on their leadership abilities that will sway people to give them their valuable vote.  Jesus was about to embark on his earthly ministry and could have received no greater endorsement then that of his Heavenly Father’s pleasure with him coupled with the indwelling of the power of the Holy Spirit. 
3)      Seen by Angels – When my first son was born, my wife had to have a caesarian section.  This was in 1976 and hospitals did not allow dads in the operating room during caesarian sections.  As such, I was relegated to waiting in the waiting room for news that my son had been born.  I remember how happy I was when the doctor came out to let me know the procedure was successful and that my son had been born.  Now imagine the joy of the shepherds when they not only had an angelic visitation but that these angels witnessed the birth of their Messiah and came to declare this great news (Luke2:8-12).  We have recently witnessed the anticipation and joy of the announcement of the birth of the royal children in Great Britian.  When ones birth receives a massive public announcement, it is an indication that someone of importance has been born.  However, an angelic announcement of one’s birth indicates the birth of someone deemed important by God in heaven and therefore is someone that we should follow.
4)      Preached among the Gentiles – One would have thought Jesus, the Son of God, would have begun his ministry by preaching to the religious leaders of His time.  Instead, Jesus chose to preach to the common Jewish people in Galilee.  After ascending to God, he then allowed the preaching of the message of the Gospel to the Gentiles.  John 3:16 declares that God sent His Son to the world, not just the Jews, and that when anyone in the world, Jew or Gentile believes in Him, they shall have eternal life. 
5)      Believed on in the world – The very fact that many, including myself, have chosen to heed the message of the Gospel and make Jesus our Savior is proof that the message of the Gospel has spread throughout the world for almost 2000 years spanning thousands of generations. 
6)      Received up in glory – Not only did Jesus take the death penalty for our sins, he demonstrated dominion over death by rising from the dead.  This fact was witnessed by many including 500 in one instance alone (1 Corinthians 15:6) and then ascended to be with God the Father where he acts as an intermediary between us who serve as ambassadors for Christ in this sinful world (2 Corinthians 5:20). 

Our commander in chief in spreading the Gospel to a dark world in need of its message of light and salvation is eminently qualified to lead His church.  He is a relatable leader, endorsed by the heavenly authority of God the Father whose birth was announced by angels.  His message is for all and has been received by many.  He is also alive and seated in a position of high authority where he acts as an intermediary for his church. 

Next Wednesday we will look at 1 Timothy 4

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