Saturday, July 30, 2016

Which Path Will the United States Choose?

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Matthew 8:19
Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, "Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go."

Decisions and choices are part of life.  When we are children, our parents make the important decisions in our lives but as we grow older, we acquire knowledge and can begin making more of our own decisions.  This, however, does not mean we always make the right decisions but even when making a bad decision, we should learn from it so as not to make that same mistake again. 

Scripture never reveals the name of the scribe mentioned in Matthew 8:19, but after hearing Jesus, he made the best decision anyone can make, the decision to follow Jesus.  This is because a decision to follow Jesus has the reward of eternity in Heaven with God the Father and Jesus.  The alternative is eternal damnation and separation from God our creator for eternity. 

I want to encourage anyone reading this that has not already done so to make the decision to follow Jesus by praying with me,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

The political conventions are over in the United States setting up the electoral showdown between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  These candidates represent two different paths for the United States presenting an opportunity for the United States to choose which path it will take moving forward. 

Hillary Clinton, as the former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State provides a clear picture of the path through which she will lead the United States.  According to her campaign site her agenda is to,

1)      Implement what she calls a fair tax system.  Her idea of a fair system is for the wealthy to pay more thus redistributing wealth to those she determines needs it.  While this on the surface may sound fair, it is economically destructive for it taxes job creators in the private sector at a time when record numbers of individuals are not participating in the workforce.
2)      Build an economy that works for everyone.  She has a five step plan which consists of,
a.       A 100-days jobs plan, which involves investment in infrastructure, manufacturing, research and technology, clean energy, and small business.  This sounds a lot like Obama’s stimulus plan, which failed to create jobs and only caused massive deficits and debt.
b.      Free college and relief for those with existing college debt.  My question here is how we are going to pay for it because I am sure college professors and administrators are not going to volunteer to work for free.
c.       Rewarding companies that share profits with employees.  Once again, this sounds good and many companies already do this.  However, for small companies with only one owner, this will be asking them to redistribute their personal income to employees instead of them investing this money back into growth for their companies, which saves existing jobs while creating new ones.
d.      Making sure corporations, the wealthy, and Wall Street pay their fair share.  Once again this represents a wealth redistribution plan that will stifle economic growth in the private sector and since the greater share of tax revenue in the United States comes from the income tax, will actually reduce revenue to the government instead of increasing it.
e.      Enact policies that meet the challenges families face in the 21st-century economy.  This includes equal pay and paid leave.  I believe in equal pay for individuals with the same qualifications doing the same job but her definition of equal pay is not merit based.  Paid leave is also a burden to small companies who have small staffs because they will find it necessary to hire temporary help during the duration of an employee’s leave.  In other words, they will have to pay two people to do the job.
3)      Combatting terrorism and keeping the homeland safe.  I agree that this is the most important issue facing the nation and world but her record with Benghazi demonstrates she places a higher priority on protecting her, or her bosses, political agenda over keeping the nation secure.
4)      Immigration Reform.  Her idea of immigration reform is comprehensive reform providing a path to full and equal citizenship.  In our dangerous world, we can ill afford allowing any individual to enter our country without being able to determine their purpose for entering our nation.  (1)

The agenda of Donald Trump is quite different.  However, with him not having held a political office, we have nothing with which to gauge how he might lead as President.  However, his success in the private sector as a CEO does demonstrate his ability to lead organizations and achieve his desired outcomes.  In contrast to the Clinton plan Trump plans to,

1)      Reduce taxes allowing people to keep more of their money by increasing after tax wages.  He also plans on simplification of the tax code.  This plan will be deficit neutral for it will grow the economy through increased economic activity creating more jobs and thus taxpayers.  (2)
2)      Besides the economic stimulus of reducing taxes and increasing capital in the private sector, he plans on curtailing regulations that in his words are destroying us.  (3)  These onerous regulations act as a brake holding the economy back at a time when we need a vibrant economy creating jobs for millions not working.  In addition, these non-working individuals pay no taxes so getting them back to work will create more taxpayers thus increasing revenues to the Treasury.
3)      In his book ‘The America We Deserve' Donald Trump actually predicted the attacks of 9/11.  Granted he did not predict the exact date or method of the attacks but looked at the liaise fare attitude of the nation’s leadership and predicted that terrorist would attack the nation while its leadership was asleep.  (4)
4)      Immigration reform is the issue that thrust Donald Trump to the top upon announcing his candidacy for the Presidency and what thrust him to winning the nomination.  This issue resonated with Americans, especially those living in Border States, who are seeing their cities and neighborhoods transformed from traditional American cities to something resembling cities south of the border.  English is no longer the prominent language in many of these neighborhoods as it once was.  At a time when many citizens of the nation are out of work, they are seeing jobs go to those in the country illegally.  They are also seeing an increase in dangerous and violent crime in neighborhoods that were once peaceful and prosperous.  We are also witnessing an increase in diseases that were at one time eradicated from the nation.  (5) (6)

The contrast in the candidates is obvious.  For those desiring more freebies from a growing government, the choice is Hillary Clinton who will complete the path to European socialism started by Barack Obama.  For those wanting to see the United States return to its position of leader in the world, the choice is Donald Trump. 

The question therefore voters’ face this election is which path should the nation take.

1. Hillary Clinton for President. Learn More About Hillary's Vision for America. [Online] Hillary Clinton for President. [Cited: July 20, 2016.]

2. Donald Trump for President. Tax Reform That Will Make America Great Again. [Online] Trump Pence Make America Great Again. [Cited: July 20, 2016.]

3. Richman, Howard. Trump: 'We're Going to Get Rid of the Regulations that are Just Destroying Us.'. [Online] American Thinker, September 16, 2015. [Cited: July 20, 2016.]

4. The Polotics and Elections Portal. Donald Trump on the Issues. [Online] [Cited: July 20, 2016.]

5. Miller, S.A. Most Americans Fear Illegal Immigrants Hurt U.S. Culture, Economy: Poll. [Online] The Washington Times, August 7, 2014. [Cited: July 20, 2016.]

6. Bruce, Tammy. When Foreigners Bring Disease Across the Border. [Online] The Washington Times, January 25, 2016. [Cited: July 20, 2016.]

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