Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Time to Focus: Uniting for Spiritual Warfare.

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Ephesians 6:12
For we[d] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

God created this world as a pristine place of beauty.  However, Satan the deceiver was also present in the pristine Garden of Eden and as he always does, used his deception to tempt Adam and Eve, leading to their disobedience and eviction from the pristine garden.  Fortunately for us all, before their eviction God promised Adam and Eve a savior would be born of the woman and provide salvation (Genesis 3:15).

One of Satan’s greatest strategies is one of distraction.  He uses this strategy to take our focus from the one who has the solution to the challenges we encounter in life and instead causes us to focus on the problems.  In Ephesians 6:12, Paul is encouraging the embattled church in Ephesus to refocus on the real enemy in our world.  He then goes on to list the weapons of spiritual warfare God has given us (Ephesians 6:13-17) thus changing the focus to God who has given us victory over Satan through Jesus’ finished work on the cross (John 19:30). 

Unfortunately, a splintered and divided church has been rendered ineffective in fulfilling its mission of spreading the Gospel around the world (Mark 16:15).  However, the good news is that it is never too late for the body of Christ to unite in its mission and on June 11, 2017, an event is occurring giving the church an opportunity to unite and give people the opportunity to accept God’s free gift of salvation.  This event is occurring in my home city of Phoenix Arizona at the University of Phoenix stadium and is called Harvest America. 

If you live in the Phoenix Area, I encourage you to make plans to attend.  If you do not live in the Phoenix area, do not fret for you have an opportunity to attend online by hosting the event either in your church or even in your home.  Details of the event can be found at and details about hosting the event if you do not live in the Phoenix area can be found at

While events like this are great, they are only a door providing people an opportunity to begin the journey of a life serving Jesus as their savior.  The wonderful thing about this event is that it involves local churches both in the area in which the event occurs as well as local churches and communities remotely hosting the event.  This event has the unique ability to unite a splintered church through technology, fulfilling the vision of Christ of a strong united church (John 13:35).

In preparation for this event, I encourage those reading this to,

1)      Pray – We are in a spiritual war for the souls of men and women around the world.  Satan knows he was defeated at the cross and does not want people to know Jesus has provided salvation for their sins through his death, burial, and resurrection.  We therefore must pray for those we know that do not know Christ, praying that any obstacles Satan places in their path that would prevent them from attending this event are removed.
2)      Invite – People are not just going to miraculously show up for this event and must be invited.  Many reading this are probably uncomfortable sharing the gospel directly with their friends or family so this event is a tremendous opportunity to invite them to hear the Gospel from someone else. 
3)      Bring people with you – Unless distance prevents you from doing so, I encourage everyone to not just invite people to this event but to take them with you either to the event or to a location hosting the event. 
4)      Serve – There are opportunities to serve either at the event in Phoenix or at locations hosting the event.  If you will be attending the event in Phoenix, you can sign up to serve at or get with the person or church hosting the event in your community and ask how you can serve.

Our lost and dying world must see a church united in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Let us use this event as a springboard in beginning this unification process.  

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