Saturday, March 2, 2019

Centering on Christ

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Scripture Text :  Colossians 1:15-23

Colossians 1:15
He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.

We are now two months into the year 2019 and with 2020 being another presidential election year in the United States, the political posturing has begun.  In free societies like the United States where the citizens have the opportunity to select their leaders, it is a time of decision.  For citizens who have a belief in Jesus as their savior, it is important to remain centered in Christ when deciding who to vote for.  While it is important for Christians to vote because those in leadership can affect the religious liberty of a nation, they must vote from a foundation of Christian values.  While no earthly leader is perfect in his or her behavior, some are more aligned with the precepts of biblical principles than others.  Those centering on Christ when deciding who to vote for can sift through the heated political rhetoric and discover the person most aligned with biblical principles despite their flaws. 

Colossians 1:15-23 is the thesis statement for the Book of Colossians, laying the foundation for the rest of the teaching contained in the book.  This thesis describes Jesus and His mission on earth encouraging the centering of one’s life around Christ.  From this foundation one can live a life free from the bondage of sin and dedicated to serving Christ by sharing the good news of the Gospel with the lost (Colossians 1:21-23).  Centering on Christ means understanding Jesus is,

1)      God in the flesh (Colossians 1:15, John 1:14) – What sets Christianity apart from other religions is God becoming flesh and choosing to live with fallen humanity.  The thought that God, the eternal creator of the universe who Himself has no creator or beginning would leave His lofty place in heaven to live in this fallen world boggles the mind.  However, even more mind boggling is knowing that his purpose for coming to be with humanity was to die for humanity’s sins, providing reconciliation to God (Colossians 1:22). 
2)      Jesus is the glue holding the universe together (Colossians 1:17) – Being centered in Christ when making decisions about who to vote for means remembering Jesus is the one in control.  In trying to earn the votes of citizens, politicians will promise the world claiming to have the ultimate solution to solution to the world’s problems.  As Christians we must sift through this political rhetoric and center on Christ and biblical principles choosing the leaders whose solutions best align with Christ and these biblical principles. 
3)      Jesus is the head of the body (Colossians 1:18) – The head of one’s body is where their mind is.  The symbolism of Christ as the head of His body, the Church, indicates the Church is to function as the hands and feet obediently following the directions of Christ.  However, Jesus does not desire robotic followers but willing followers choosing to have their minds transformed (Romans 12:2).  The sheer knowledge that God would become flesh and die to provide reconciliation for fallen humanity should be motivation enough to undergo this transformation (Colossians 1:19-20). 

With many already announcing their intention to run for President against the incumbent Donald Trump in 2020, 2019 promises to be a year of political contention.  Each of these potential candidates will promise a utopian post-Trump world with nobody in need, total fairness, and no worries about how to pay for it.  My prayer is that God’s people will center on Christ and sift through the political rhetoric, remembering Jesus is in charge.  While no candidate is perfect, some offer solutions that better align with biblical principles and are the ones Christians should vote for.  We then must continue to pray for these leaders, praying that they will as members of the Body of Christ follow the leadership of the head, Jesus Christ. 

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