Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Celebration Day: He Is Risen

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Text:  Mark 16:1-13

Mark 16:6
And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him.

Although the crisis faced by the Disciples and followers of Jesus only lasted three days, the feelings of these people during this time were not much different than what many across the world are experiencing today.  Before the coronavirus pandemic, most people were experiencing economic prosperity unlike anything they had experienced in their lifetimes, something those following Jesus probably felt when following Jesus and why they praised him as he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-11).  However, their beliefs were based on the unrealistic expectation that Jesus would march into the palace of Herod and Pilate and overthrow their Roman oppressors, not realizing Jesus was going to suffer death by crucifixion for their sins and rise again in three days demonstrating victory over death.  Likewise, any belief there would never be another economic downturn were unrealistic as history demonstrates economic upturns followed by economic downturns.  This is precisely why Jesus taught us to put our treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21).   There will be a recovery from this crisis as people recover physically, mentally, and spiritually and while waiting for the recovery, we must place our trust in God and treasure our personal relationship with Him because of the cross. 

Mark’s account of the resurrection occurs through the eyes of Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James.  These are the same two women that lurked in the background while Jesus was laid in the tomb (Mark 15:47).  The fact that they purchased spices to anoint Jesus leads us to believe they wanted to know where they buried Jesus so they could anoint Him for his burial.  However, Mark 16:3 records their conversation with each other about how they were going to roll the stone away, leading to the possibility they believed they would witness Jesus’ resurrection, something Jesus mentioned three times (Mark 8:31; 9:30-31; 10:32-34). 

Upon arriving at the tomb, and seeing the stone rolled away, we can only surmise what their thoughts might have been.  Did the Romans or Jewish religious leaders steal the body so they could produce it after Jesus’ followers claimed Jesus had risen after seeing the empty tomb?  However, the fact that almost two thousand years later nobody has produced the body or real tomb where they buried Jesus disproves this theory.  They may have thought some of the disciples stole the body to begin profiting from a new religious movement based upon Jesus as Messiah who died and rose from the dead.  However, the fact that all the Disciples suffered for their faith with all but one martyred and did not profit from spreading the Gospel message that Jesus had risen disproves this theory.  This leaves one credible theory, The words Jesus spoke in Mark 8:31; 9:30-31; 10:32-34 were true.  The fact that the women rushed into the empty tomb lends credence to the belief they thought there had been a resurrection. 

Their belief in resurrection would have been strengthened when they saw a man in a white robe, an angel, in the tomb bringing them the message Jesus had risen from the dead (Mark 16:5-6).  The angel then instructs the women to go tell the disciples Jesus had risen but fear and astonishment seized them and they rushed out of the tomb, telling no one (Mark 16:7-8).  However, after Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, she found the courage to tell those still mourning Jesus’ death but was not believed (Mark 16:9-11).  Jesus also appeared to two disciples as they were walking into the country but when they told the other disciples, they did not believe them. 

Mary Magdalene and the Disciples knew Jesus.  Mary Magdalene had experienced Jesus casting seven demons out of her with the two disciples possibly witnessing this event (Luke 8:1-3) and the many other miracles Jesus performed.  They were present when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44), demonstrating Jesus’ supremacy over death.  They had heard the teachings of Jesus through his messages and parables and were trying to adapt them in their lives.  However, before encountering the risen Lord, their knowledge of Jesus was academic.  It was not until they encountered the risen Lord that their knowledge of Jesus became personal, giving them the courage to tell others even though no one believed them.

Everyone reading this must ask themselves the question, is my knowledge of Jesus academic or personal?  While it is necessary to know the Bible for it is truth and the Word of God, this knowledge alone cannot save us for if it was, Jesus didn't need to come and die on the cross for God had already given humanity the law.  Salvation comes as one encounters Jesus through repentance and accepting that Jesus died, was buried, and arose from the dead to forgive our sins (Romans 10:9-10).  This is how one comes to know God personally, giving them the courage to tell others about Jesus.  I want to invite anyone reading this who does not know God personally to pray with me now so they can have a personal relationship with God,

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned (Romans 3:23) and know that the penalty for my sin is death (Romans 6:23).  I ask you to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me as you promise in your Word (1 John 1:9).  I believe you died, spent three days in the grave, and resurrected from the dead and now declare you Lord of my life.

Next Wednesday’s posting will be on the “Great Commission” or Jesus telling his believers to go out and spread the good news or Gospel that Jesus has died for the sins of humanity and resurrected from the dead in demonstration of his supremacy over death.  Mary Magdalene and the two Disciples were the first to begin the spreading of the Gospel message after encountering the risen Lord.  I encourage all who have a personal relationship with God through belief in Jesus as Savior to do the same and not let rejection stop them.  This is especially true during this coronavirus crisis when many are living sheltered in their homes in fear.  May God bless and encourage everyone reading this post. 

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