Saturday, July 18, 2020

Obedience and the Power of God

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Text:  Joshua 6:1-27

Joshua 6:20
So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city.

As a child, I can remember hearing the Bible account of the fall of the walls of Jericho.  My childhood imagination would picture a loud blast of a trumpet followed by the shout of thousands of warriors standing in front of the walls and the walls falling in a massive demonstration of supernatural power.  This is probably not far from a description of what actually occurred and it is sad to think that as we grow older we lose some of that childhood imagination, and instead focus only on what can be scientifically proven.  Jesus told the Samaritan woman that true worshippers of God worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24).  The Israelites standing in front of the walls of Jericho worshipped in spirit and truth by obediently following the instructions of the Lord (truth) and witnessed a demonstration of God’s power as the walls of Jericho fell flat (spirit) (Joshua 6:20).  The world must see a Church boldly declaring the truth of the Gospel and God’s Word with the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal the fragile walls of protection the world depends on, so these walls can fall leaving only Jesus to depend on. 

The people living in Jericho were already fearful of the people of Israel based upon the parting of the Red Sea and how they defeated the two kings of the Amorites (Joshua 2:8-10).  Now they have also witnessed God’s power with their own eyes as God stopped the Jordan River so the people could cross on dry ground (Joshua 3:14-17).  Each day when the people marched around the city, the people in Jericho were probably wondering when the attack would come but each day the people would march around the city once and return to their camp.  On the seventh day when the people marched around the city seven times, they were probably anticipating an attack by the army but were probably fearful knowing that the God of Israel worked powerfully and in a supernatural manner.  When the people shouted and the walls fell flat, the people of Jericho would have known their defeat was imminent.  Like the Israelites at the walls of Jericho, the Church must,

1)      Be obedient – The Lord gave Joshua clear instructions with the promise that if they followed the instructions, the daunting walls of Jericho would fall (Joshua 6:1-21).  Likewise, before His ascension to be with God the Father, Jesus gave his followers, the church a specific mission to take the Gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15) and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).  This is to be the objective of all programs in the Church but sadly Churches and their leaders can become busy and distracted by pressures to manage Church facilities and lose sight of the mission.  Acts 6:1-7 records this occurring as the early Church experienced growth and how the Church appointed people full of the Spirit to manage Church affairs so the Apostles could devote themselves and the ministry of teaching to spread the Gospel and making disciples (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20).  Church growth will occur as the Church carries out its mission but Church leaders must delegate management of the Church to others gifted in the areas of need so they can focus on the mission of the Church.
2)      Allow God to work – The walls of Jericho fell but not by the power of the army of Israel, but as the people of God shouted after a long blast of the seven trumpets (Joshua 6:20).  The long blast of the trumpets, and the shouts of the people, while loud, was not sufficient to bring down the walls of Jericho but It was the power of God unleashed through the obedience of God’s people that flattened the walls of Jericho.  However, after God’s power brings victory, we must give God the glory and not become puffed up with pride at what God has done through us. 
3)      Not associate with things devoted to destruction – The only items the Israelites were to pillage from Jericho were the gold, silver, iron, and bronze and they were to place them into the treasury of the Lord (Joshua 6:19).  As the church experiences growth, it can experience pressure to compromise with the world so as not to offend new people attending the church.  Any decline in numbers would be viewed by the world as a defeat for the Church but it could be due to the church taking a stand for the truth that offends some people that attend Church to appear holy but live sinful lives like the Church in Pergamum (Revelation 2:14).  Satan was defeated at the cross and is destined for destruction when Christ returns (Revelation 20:7-10).  The Church must not compromise with Satan by watering down Biblical truth to appease the world but boldly continue being obedient and standing up for Biblical truth.     

The present chaos in the world with Covid19, racial tensions, and violence appear daunting but by remaining obedient, allowing God to work, and not compromising on biblical truth, the walls of chaos will come down.  Take a moment to listen to this video link from David Crowder as a reminder that the walls will come down as we minister for the glory of God.  Please pray the Church will thrive during this time of Chaos as it focuses on carrying out its mission through obedience, letting God work, and avoiding compromise. 

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