Saturday, September 15, 2012

Have Obama’s Foreign Policy Chickens Have Come Home to Roost.

During the 2008 campaign, we heard a lot about a statement made by Barack Obama’s pastor the Sunday after 9/11/2001 when he said “Not God Bless America but GD America…. America’s chickens have come home to roost.” Obama quickly claimed that he never heard that comment but whether or not he heard it is unimportant now, what is important is that after the events of this week we must ask, have Obama’s foreign policy chickens come home to roost. 

Western civilization finds comfort in the belief that we have grown past the time in history where a religious theology could stir up messianic passions in people and cause them to leave their societies in ruin.  (1)  In the United States, we have thrived in the absence of theocracy due to our constitutional rule of law being able to maintain a civil society.  Granted, our society has not been perfect but it has maintained a civil society for over 200 years.  However, this is not the case in many Middle Eastern cultures.  The oppression of tyrannical dictatorial leadership such as in Egypt creates a vacuum through which theocratic regimes can come to power.  One such theocratic movement is the Muslim Brotherhood.   

Established by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood insisted that Muslims would find strength in the total self-sufficiency of Islam.  The Muslim Brotherhood mission statement is “to work for the reform of selves, of hearts and souls by joining them to God the all-high; then to organize our society to be for the virtuous community which commands the good and forbids evil-doing, then from the community will arise the good state.” (1)  This sounds virtuous but at its heart is the establishment of an Islamic theocracy.  Therefore, the next logical question we must ask is if the establishment of an Islamic theocracy is all that bad.

Very soon after the election of Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, as president of Egypt (June 24, 2012) (2), there were reports of the crucifixion of those opposing President Muhammad Morsi soon after his election.  (3)  It would appear that there is little room for descent in the Muslim Brotherhood theocracy.  Unlike our constitutional form of government where the Constitution protects the citizens’ right to speak out against their government, in this theocracy the exercise of the right of free speech comes with the threat of death. 

However, even with this knowledge, the Obama Administration embraced the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, labeling it the “Arab Spring.”  They attempted to sell us on the prospect that the Arab Spring is a democratic movement that will result in the rise of democratic, peace loving governments in the Middle East.  They were so determined to remove dictators from the region that they gave little thought to what type of government would replace them.  (4)

Politicians, including Representative Michelle Bachmann, who is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, raised the possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the Obama Administration and was influencing the thinking and decision making process of the administration.  The Media denounced her statements documented in a 16-page document sent to Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota.  (5)  However, after the events of 09/11/2012, we have to wonder if Representative Bachmann was correct.

In hindsight, we now know that the Obama Administration had knowledge of possible attacks on our embassies two days before the attacks occurred.  (6)  With the possibility of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the Obama Administration, we must ask if they suppressed this information in order to prevent the Obama Administration from providing the proper protection of our embassies during the 11-year anniversary of the vicious attacks on our nation on 09/11/2001. 

However, we now know that President Obama did not attend any intelligence briefings for the week prior to the attacks. (7)  So, even if the security staff in the administration brought this threat to the President’s attention, he was not there to receive the information and was instead out doing other more important things like appearing on Letterman or going to Vegas to give a campaign speech. 

When Obama was sworn into office he pledged "I, <name>, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." (8)

Mr. President, you have been derelict in your duties as President.  Embassies are the property of the United States even though they are on foreign soil.  As President, you are obligated to protect the ambassador and his or her staff working at these embassies.  You are also responsible for insuring no subversive influences enter into your administration that could compromise your thinking or decision making process.  Finally, you are responsible to attend briefings from your staff where they provide information pertinent to making correct decisions. 

This week, more than any other week of the Obama Administration, demonstrated the weak and incompetent leadership it has provided our nation for the last four years.  This week the Obama Administration also demonstrated its weak and incompetent leadership to the world empowering our enemies and causing our allies to have concerns.  Wake up America, you have an opportunity in November to rid our nation of this weak incompetent leadership and replace it with leadership committed to restoring the security and greatness of our nation.  We must begin by electing Mitt Romney as our next president and then give him a Republican controlled House and Senate to work with. 

I trust the voters of the United States will make the correct choice in November. 

1. Paison, Michelle. !e History of the Muslim Brotherhood The Political, Social and Economic Transformation of the Arab Republic of Egypt. [Online] 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

2. Phillips, James. Egypt Elects President from Muslim Brotherhood. [Online] The Heritage Foundation, June 25, 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

3. Calvin, Donna. Obama backed Muslim Brotherhood Begins Crucifixions and Torture. [Online] Beliefnet, August 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

4. Snyder, Michael. Thanks Obama – The Terrorists You Used To Topple Regimes Are Now Attacking Our Embassies. [Online] Alex Jones, September 13, 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

5. Hobin, Partick. Bachmann: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrating Obama Administration. [Online] Newsmax, July 17, 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

6. Vadum, Matthew. Obama Had Advance Knowledge of Mideast Attacks. [Online] Right Side News, September 15, 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

7. Hall, Wynton. NO RECORD OF INTEL BRIEFINGS FOR OBAMA WEEK BEFORE EMBASSY ATTACKS. [Online] Brietbart, September 12, 2012. [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

8. Presidential Oath of Office. [Online] [Cited: September 15, 2012.]

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