Saturday, September 8, 2012

This Election We Have a Clear Choice

The conventions are over and now the campaign for President moves into full swing.  Each candidate is now free to spend money from the campaign coffers so get ready to see your TV, radio, and even your computer screen filled with advertisements from each candidate.  We also have the, so-called, debates coming up.  I say “so-called” because in my opinion a true debate would be one where the candidates ask each other questions and have no idea what the questions will be about.  

During this election cycle, I have heard people claim there is absolutely no difference in the two parties.  After watching both the RNC and DNC conventions, I cannot understand why anyone would still think that.  The differences in the two parties were on display and the voters in November have a clear choice to make. 

The RNC convention emphasized the greatness of our nation.  It encouraged people not to lose hope and that it is possible to restore our nation to its position of greatness.  However, the greatest thing emphasized at the RNC was the power of the individual.  The theme of “you did build that” in opposition to the much maligned statement by President Obama that “if you have a business you didn’t build that” was prevalent throughout the convention.  The Romney plan of lower taxes, less regulation, and energy independence empowers individuals to build businesses and create new jobs. 

The DNC convention emphasized the greatness of government.  Its theme of class warfare pits the wealthy against the poor and middleclass.  They promise a big government that will increase taxes on the rich and redistribute it to the poor and middleclass.  The DNC promised women free contraceptives, free abortions, and even partial birth abortions at taxpayer expense. 

However, the biggest difference in the parties came when the DNC removed any mention of God or Jerusalem as the capital of Israel from their platform and then put them back in over the objections of the delegates at the convention.  The delegates actually booed placing God back into the party platform.  I have to wonder if it is wise to boo God.

The RNC freely mentioned God and made Him part of their platform.  Even Mitt Romney mentioned his faith in his speech to the cheers, not boos, of the audience.  The Constitution guarantees each individual’s right to practice his or her religion.  Once again, the RNC shows its respect for the individual while the DNC wants to force God out of the political discourse. 

The contrast between Democrats and Republicans involves who we believe should be empowered to solve the country’s problems.  The RNC believes in empowering the individual so they can care for themselves and their families.  The DNC believes individuals are powerless without the power of government to assist them.  As a voter, you must decide who should be empowered.  

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