Saturday, September 1, 2012

The ABC’s of Politics in 2012

This week the presidential election season got into full swing with the Republican National Convention (RNC).  Next week we will have the Democrat National Convention (DNC) followed by the debates and then the election on November 6.  Even though the conventions are not what they used to be since we usually know who the nominee is prior to the convention, they still highlight the major differences in Republicans and Democrats.  These differences can be as easy as ABC.

The A stands for the ANC (Adult National Convention).  This is what we witnessed this week.  The RNC represents a group of adults that see the direction of the country and do not like it.  However, instead of complaining about it, they gathered to nominate Mitt Romney, a man they believe has both the experience and knowledge to implement real solutions to the nation’s problems.  Real solutions that have a proven track record of working.  It was refreshing to me to witness a candidate for president stand in front of the people of the nation and tell them he believed in them and wanted to restore our nation to its greatness. 

The B stands for the BNC (Brat National Convention).  When the DNC meets this week, we will no doubt see a group of people complaining about the mess Bush left them.  They will be complaining that the government does not provide for them cradle to grave.  They will complain that it is not fair that someone like Mitt Romney is rich while they struggle.  Meanwhile, while they continue to complain that they do not have all the freebees they think they deserve while walking around with their I-Phones, and I-Pads, drinking their expensive Starbucks and Red Bull (not that Starbucks or Red Bull are evil, just expensive).  These people remind me of the brats we see in the store who throw a tantrum when mommy and daddy do not give them everything they want.  They never once consider that the reason mommy and daddy do not let them have it is because they either cannot afford it, or they know it will not be good for them. 

The C stands for change that I believe many in this nation will show up at the polls to vote for in November.  Many of them fell for the message of change Obama promised in 2008 only to be disenchanted when they discovered the kind of change Obama meant.  I believe many of these people heard the message Romney delivered in his speech and relate to it.  I know I did.  I believe these people will show up in droves at the polls and elect Mitt Romney as our next president. 

However, that is not the end of it.  After winning election, the Romney Administration must deliver on its promises.  The fact that the Nation could go from supporting change as Obama promised to Change as Romney promised demonstrates that the citizens of our nation are interested in results.  I have no doubt that with Mitt Romney’s experience and expertise, he is capable of delivering the change our country needs, but there will be resistance.  I just pray Mitt Romney has the intestinal fortitude to confront any resistance and implement the changes our country needs.  

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