Saturday, October 13, 2012

Be a Responsible Voter

Election Day is fast approaching.  I can hardly wait for the opportunity to cast my vote and end the national nightmare we are currently experiencing.  However, in this election I believe that I have to do more than just cast my vote, I have to do whatever I can to insure many others get to the polls and cast their vote to elect Mitt Romney as our next president and to give him a House and Senate he can work with. 

Now I must be honest and confess that Mitt Romney was not my choice in the Primary Election.  The reason is that Romney was not conservative enough for me.  That is why I cast my vote for Rick Santorum in the Arizona Primary.  However, I live in the real world and understand that the next President of the United States will be either President Obama or Mitt Romney.  I refuse to waste my vote on a third party candidate because my third party vote for a conservative candidate will insure the ultra-liberal Obama gains another four years.  If you are considering casting a vote in this election for a third party candidate you believe is more conservative than Mitt Romney, I want you to consider what four more years of Obama would do to our country. 

I recently concluded an eight week series on “Becoming an Informed Voter” where I discussed seven things we can expect in an Obama second term.  I concluded in that series that another four years of an Obama Administration would seriously change the entire structure of our country.  We will go from a country that honors individual freedom to a country with a huge centralized government controlling virtually every aspect of our lives. 

In many ways this has already occurred because the government now controls your light bulbs, how much water you can use per flush in your toilet, the gas mileage of our  cars, and through our progressive income tax system, how much of our hard earned money we you can keep.  Another four years of Obama will institutionalize these things making it virtually impossible for any future President to reverse them. 

We have also seen the emergence of a dependent class that is very close to having a majority in this country.  Recently the media maligned Mitt Romney for a comment he made regarding the 47% who receive payments from the Government.  I understand that many of those 47% are Social Security recipients and retired military who worked hard their entire lives contributing to the system.  The government promised these individuals their benefits when they retired and they are legitimately entitled to receive their benefits.  However, the Social Security system is destined to go broke if the government does nothing to fix it. 

Obama is interested in maintaining the status quo when it comes to Social Security, which will eventually lead to its going bankrupt.  Of course that will not occur on Obama’s watch so he could care less.  Paul Ryan has a plan to insure the solvency of the fund without jeopardizing the benefits of current, and those 55 or older.  Therefore, I do not believe Mitt Romney was referring to Social Security recipients or retired military when he talked about the 47%.

There are also many who recently became part of the 47% because of the current economic downturn.  Most of these individuals want to work and go off government subsistence but the longer they continue to be dependent on government subsistence, the more difficult it will be for them to go off it.  The solution for these people is not to extend their benefits but to create a thriving private sector that creates jobs.  We have seen four years of Obama’s economic policies that have caused nearly 23 million people to drop out of the workforce.  Romney’s economic plan will grow the private sector and create jobs for these 23 million people. 

The 47% Romney was talking about were a growing number of people in our society, content with receiving government benefits.  He was referring to the fact that these individuals will vote for candidates who promise to keep the checks coming.  Mitt Romney’s 47% comment was a warning that if we allow the job killing policies of the current administration to continue another four years, we will see that dependent class grow to over 50%.  At that point, these individuals either will gladly or reluctantly vote for candidates who will keep the benefits coming Insuring big government entitlements will continue to grow.  If we allow this to occur, our nation will become like Greece or Spain. 

I understand that the President cannot constitutionally just implement laws so if we have a Republican Senate and House, constitutionally it will not happen.  However, this President has issued over 900 executive orders that bypass Congress and the courts.  Many of these executive orders involve EPA regulations, which will cause energy prices to soar.  The only way to end these regulations is to elect a President that will reverse them.  In addition, many of Obama’s ultra-liberal policies are already in place through legislation (i.e. Obamacare) and require repeal of the legislation.  A republican controlled House and Senate can vote for repeal but we know President Obama will never sign repeal legislation into law.  Therefore, we must elect conservatives to the House and Senate and a President that will reverse Obama’s executive orders and sign legislation repealing ultra-liberal legislation. 

As November 6 approaches, I urge everyone to be responsible with his or her vote.  We may not have a perfect candidate to choose from that can win.  In fact, unless you are running for office, you probably do not have a candidate to choose from that you totally agree with.  Therefore, I urge everyone to make the responsible choice by voting for candidates that will begin reversing the ultra-liberal trend our country is currently in. 

I have confidence that my fellow political avengers will do the right thing in November and insure Republicans control the White House and both houses of Congress.  Then we can hold them accountable and begin reversing the leviathan of socialism liberals have thrown at us.  

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