Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Do We Want Keep Giving People a Fish or Start Teaching People to Fish

There is an old saying “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”  In almost every political campaign, we have one candidate who promises to give people everything they need want and another candidate who promises to get government out of the way so people can earn what they want through their hard labor.  This presidential campaign is no different. 

On the left side we have President Obama.  Even though President Obama has not provided many details of his agenda for the next four years, we can predict that agenda by looking at what he has done during his first term.  During the last four years Obama has passed Obamacare providing supposedly free healthcare for everyone, I say supposedly because nothing is free.  He promises free contraceptives for women, even women working for faith-based organizations who are against contraceptives.  He has promised affordable housing.  He has given billions to failed green energy companies who have failed.  He bailed out the United Auto Workers Union (UAW) by bailing out GM and Chrysler so they would not have to go through traditional bankruptcy and renegotiate labor contracts with the UAW.

As a candidate, Obama is a fish peddler, promising people a fish.  The only problem is that just like the old saying, once people eat the fish, in other words when the money runs out, they have to come back to the government for more.  Candidates like this have contributed to our $16 trillion in debt. 

Romney, on the other hand, is a successful executive who understands how business works and wants to provide a business environment where people have an opportunity to succeed in their jobs, careers, and business.  Instead of promising giveaways, he has a plan for lower taxes, fewer regulations, and smaller government.  Lower taxes will give people more money to spend and businesses more money to invest.  Both of these activities will contribute to economic growth because someone has to make the additional products consumers will buy and business people will not just sit on their additional capital but will invest it in business expansion resulting in more jobs that will put people back to work. 

With fewer regulations holding them back, businesses will be free to expand.  This is especially true for carbon based energy companies.  With many of the regulations removed, we will be able to begin drilling for our own oil and natural gas and begin mining our coal.  This too will put people back to work. 

Reducing the size of government will mean government will be able to balance the budget and stop increasing the size of the massive deficit we currently have.  Reducing the government debt will release money that can be loaned to business.  Businesses will use this money to create even more business expansion and jobs. 

As a successful business executive, Romney, like the fisherman in the saying, wants to teach and give others the opportunity to fish.  Romney understands that these people will be able to become self-sufficient and will not need to keep coming back to the government for additional money. 

The election is less than two weeks away.  The only sustainable path for our country is to quit handing fish out to people and begin teaching them how to fish.  This is why we must change course and elect Romney as our next president, win a Republican majority in the Senate, and increase the Republican majority in the House.  

During the remaining days before the election, we must work to support Romney and republican candidates for the Senate and House.  If you can, give to the candidates.  If you cannot give, volunteer for the campaign by knocking on doors or making calls.  You can also make sure everyone that wants a change in direction in our country gets to the polling place to vote or get them an absentee ballot. 

It is time for more fishermen in this country and fewer people with their hands out for a fish.  

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