Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Heroes, Hurricanes, and Nobody Left Behind.

It is less than one week before the election and this week has been a very active news week.  Most important is that we continue to pray and do whatever we can to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy.  What brought the immensity of this storm home to me was a picture I saw on the Drudge Report Tuesday morning showing a totally dark skyline of New York City.  Hurricane Sandy left New York, a city that never sleeps, asleep and in the dark.  I am confident that the people of New York, the people who survived 9/11, will come through this challenge as well. 

We have also been shocked this week as we discover more about the attack on our embassy in Benghazi.  After the Obama Administration told us that the attack was the result of an offensive video, we have come to know that terrorists with links to Al Qaida coordinated the attack.  There is great speculation as to why the administration would cover up the truth in this matter and I for one want to discover the truth regardless of who wins the election on November 6. 

As we have uncovered the truth of what occurred on 9/11 in Benghazi, we discovered the heroism of Tyrone Woods.  At first, the Administration told us that Mr. Woods, a retired Navy Seal, was working security at the embassy.  However, we now know that he was actually working for the CIA at a facility about a mile away from the embassy.  After hearing gunfire from the embassy, Mr. Woods requested back up so he could go in and rescue those in the embassy.  However, when he requested back up, Mr. Woods received an order to stand down. 

Ty Woods, believed that the U.S. does not leave anyone behind when we are attacked and was not about to sit there while Americans were murdered at our embassy so he disobeyed his stand down order and proceeded to rescue people in the embassy.  Unfortunately, he was unable to rescue the ambassador and two others at the embassy but he was able to rescue 30 people before sacrificing his own life.  Tyrone Woods is a true American hero in my opinion and I am sure the 30 people he rescued along with their families would agree with me. 

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, President Obama promised the people in the northeast that they would not be left behind.  Mr. President, why did you not promise the same level of help for Americans serving our country on foreign soil that were under attack? 

Americans deserve leadership that is interested in protecting all citizens, those living in our country, those serving our country on foreign soil, and those serving our country in the military.  The Benghazi attack has demonstrated President Obama’s inability, or unwillingness to provide security for Americans under attack on foreign soil.  I believe President Romney will make security for all Americans no matter where they are at a priority.  So, if you have not made up your mind yet on who to vote for in this election, I urge you to vote for Mitt Romney, a man who will not hesitate to send assistance to any American under attack whether in this country or on foreign soil.  

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