Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Restoring the Guardrails Missing in Public Education

A few years ago, my family and I took a vacation up to Yellowstone.  One day, we took a drive to Yellowstone Lake, which involved taking a winding mountain road that had no guardrails.  I was busy keeping the car between the lines but my wife and son told me later that there was a sheer drop off into what is called the grand canyon of Yellowstone. 

I did not need the guardrails to tell me to keep the car on the road but often we do need guardrails in our lives to keep us from going over the edge where we can be hurt or even killed.  However, in 1962 the Supreme Court effectively removed the guardrails of morality from our education system.  The results have been a society full of single mothers, millions of abortion due to unwanted pregnancies, rampant drug use, violence in our schools, and a general decaying of our society. 

By removing prayer and the Bible from public schools, we left a void in the lives of public school students.  As with any void left in our lives, these students are filling this void with illicit sex, drugs, and violent behavior.  Many of these students are now adults who vote. 

This is why in this last election we witnessed the legalization of Marijuana in many states.  We also watched the Democrat Party adopt planks in their party platform supporting abortion and even infanticide.

Absent of guardrails, our education system condones students illicit sex by providing sex education along with condoms.  Educators believe students are going to have sex anyway so they provide a condom to promote so called “safe sex”.  Now, with the legalization of marijuana, instead of students being busted for smoking cigarettes in the boy’s room, they will be busted for passing a joint. 

Is it any wonder that with these distractions, students are graduating without the basic skills of reading, writing, and basic math.  These young people could not understand the conservative message about the failure of Obama’s policies but believed Obama when he told them Romney would make abortion illegal and take away their contraceptives.

Absent of guardrails, our education system is failing students.  Instead of equipping students to succeed in the market place, it is condoning deviant behavior.  This deviant behavior is contributing to the decay of our culture.  Unless things change, we will continue to see our culture decay making it difficult, if not impossible for the conservative message to be understood.  Here are a few suggestions for restoring the guardrails in the lives of our youth

1)       Parents and grandparents have a responsibility to instill morals and values in their children.    Proverbs 22:6 Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.  (NLT).  I encourage parents and grandparents to take the initiative here as a way to cancel out the values taught in schools.
2)      Become involved with church youth groups and encourage those already attending to invite their friends.  Older adults can also consider volunteering to coach a Little League or soccer team.
3)      Volunteer to become a mentor with Big Brothers or Big Sisters.  There are also Christian mentoring programs that target troubled youth. 
4)      Learn the culture.  I can remember as a youth thinking my parents were uncool.  Today’s youth are no different, believing older adults to not understand their culture and as such do not relate to them.  Learning their culture will help develop trust.
5)      Learn the technology.  Today’s youth communicate using texting, Twitter, and Facebook.  Become familiar with these technologies begin using them to reach out to the younger generation.
6)      Pray.  Remember, our battle is not a conventional battle fought with conventional weapons.  Prayer prepares us for the spiritual battle we are facing.

These steps will not reinstall the guardrails in public education but they will train our youths about the importance of staying on the road even though the guardrails have been removed.  

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