Saturday, November 3, 2012

Liberation Day: November 6, 2012

Besides the election, there is another event occurring on November 6, 2012 for that is the day one of my favorite Christian rock bands is releasing their new CD.  The title of the CD is Miracle, a title I think is appropriate for what is about to occur on Tuesday.  I believe in miracles and believe we will see a miracle on Tuesday with the election of Mitt Romney as our 45th President and we can begin liberating our nation from the statist juggernaut we have been under the last four years. 

I remember the sinking feeling I had four years ago when Obama was elected President.  I did not fall for the message of hope and change offered by candidate Obama because I knew that with Obama’s statist philosophy, he intended to change the very structure and foundations of our republic. 

Now four years later, we have seen the results of Obama’s change.  $6 trillion in additional debt, unemployment stuck at near 8%, more people dependent on food stamps than at any other time in our nation’s history, inept foreign policy that leaves American citizens vulnerable to foreign attack, and a blotted federal bureaucracy that is unable to respond to a natural disaster.  This is the legacy of change delivered by the first four years of the Obama Presidency.  On Tuesday, we the American People get to go to the polls and decide whether we want four more years of Obama’s version of hope and change or a change in direction for our nation. 

Mitt Romney has a proven record of turning organizations around from disaster.  This includes the many businesses he rescued while working for Bain Capital as well as his work turning around the Salt Lake City Olympics.  Granted, this will be Mitt Romney’s greatest turn around challenge but I believe Romney will surround himself with good people who are up to the challenge.  He demonstrated his ability to do that when he picked Paul Ryan, an expert on balancing budgets and working with the legislature. 

The polls are definitely trending in Romney’s direction so I sense the nation is ready to make a change in its chief executive.  However, I have concerns about the Senate.  67 Senate seats are not up for election this year.  Republicans hold 37 of these seats and Democrats hold 30.  Of the 33 seats up for election this year, Rasmussen expects 9 to be safely won by Republicans and 17 to be safely won by Democrats.  This leaves Democrats with a 47 to 46 seat advantage leaving 7 seats in the toss up category.  This means that Republicans must win 5 of the 7 toss up races to have a 51 to 49 majority in the Senate.  Unfortunately, Rasmussen shows the Democrat is leading in 6 of the 7 toss up states.  (1) 

The toss up states are Florida, Indiana, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.  The only one of these seven states where the Republican currently has a lead according to Rasmussen is Indiana. (1)  With Harry Reid vowing not to work with Romney, (2)  it is imperative that we give Romney a Republican Senate, otherwise any hopes of repealing Obamacare will be dashed. 

However, I do believe in miracles and will be praying that our hard work in these toss up states will result in republican victories in at least 5 of these states, relegating Harry Reid to the position of minority leader of the Senate. 

1. Rasmussen Reports. 2012 Senate Balance of Power. [Online] Rasmussen Reports. [Cited: November 3, 2012.]

2. Shapiro, Ben. REID: WE WON'T WORK WITH ROMNEY. [Online] Breitbart, November 2, 2012. [Cited: November 3, 2012.]

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