Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Revelation of a Web of Corruption

On the May 14, 2013 Drudge Report, the headline was "When it Rains."  It seems that the recent revelations of incompetence and corruption in the Obama administration are causing a torrential downpour for this administration.

First, we had the testimonies of the whistle blowers who were eyewitnesses on the ground during the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11.  The testimonies may have come as a surprise to low information voters, but to those of us that work hard staying informed there were no surprises.  We understood that these attacks were not some spontaneous attack caused by some video for people participating in some spontaneous attack would not have shown up with missile launchers and mortars.  No this was a well-planned attack that resulted in four deaths including our ambassador who requested help, but was ignored.

Second, we have the admission by the IRS that they targeted tax-exempt organizations since 2010 that contained the words tea party or patriot.  Obama has promised to "get to the bottom of this" claiming he knew little about it.  However, we have now discovered that this administration actually condoned investigations of these organizations.  It appears the real goal here was to render conservative groups powerless that helped Republicans gain control of the House and take away the Senates super majority.  They probably feared an active tea party would lead to the defeat of Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.  Similar abuses led to the drawing up of articles of impeachment against President Nixon over Watergate.  

Thirdly, we have the AP scandal.  The government tapped twenty phones affecting around 100 reporters.  The administration believed they were within their rights to tap these phones believing these reporters may have received some top-secret information and posed a national security threat.  Well, if they did, it would only mean that someone in the administration leaked it to them in which case the administration needs to investigate itself and fire those involved instead of listening in on conversations of the constitutionally protected free press.  

These scandals are serious and need to be investigated but we cannot depend on the mainstream media to report on these scandals, which is where we come in.  I do not intend to keep quiet about the corruption and incompetence of this administration and will be sharing through this blog what I am able to find.  I also encourage every informed voter to do what the mainstream media refuses to do by blogging, using social media, and good old-fashioned word of mouth.

 We may not be able to depend upon the mainstream media to keep this going but we do have Fox News, the blogosphere, and talk radio to keep us informed.  I also recommend writing, emailing, and calling your representatives to let them know you are aware of these scandals and demand that they form a special committee with subpoena power and the power to place witnesses under oath.  We also need to hire a special prosecutor to insure the administration does now stonewall the congress in its investigations.  Unfortunately, the Attorney General would have to hire a special prosecutor which is highly unlikely.

In our democratic republic, where we the people elect our leaders, transparency in our government is important.  This is why the first amendment is in our constitution insures that the people and the media are free to report any corruption or incompetency they see in their government.  Unfortunately, political correctness has prevented many from speaking up out of fear of being called racist.  We also have a mainstream media that believes its job is to shield this administration by not reporting its failures, incompetence, and corruption, creating a formula for disaster.  We need those of us who take the time to keep informed to fearlessly speak up. 

Join me as we do our part in bringing out the truth of this corrupt and incompetent administration.  Our goal must be to inform the uninformed so in the next election people make an intelligent choice based on truth and not political hype.     

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