Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Three P’s of Action.

Now that we have been able to define the problems associated with our current tax code and how it has created an out of control IRS, it is time to take action.  Taking action requires using the three P’s, prayer, participation, and planning. 

As a Christian I believe everything thing we do should be preceded with prayer.  The Bible provides numerous examples of how prayer changed things.  Jesus healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf with prayer (Matthew 4:24, 7:32-35, 20:30-34).  Peter, after walking on the water and then beginning to sink prayed the shortest prayer in the Bible by praying “Lord save me” and was saved from drowning when the Lord held out his hand to him (Matthew 14:30-31).  Nehemiah, after hearing that the wall in Jerusalem had been torn down and that the gates had been burned fasted, mourned, and prayed for days (Nehemiah 1:1-11). 

The wall in Jerusalem was their defense against enemy attacks so the fact that it was torn down meant the city was defenseless.  Likewise, the recent disregard for our constitution has left the citizens of our nation defenseless against tyrannical government that threatens our liberties and freedom.  Nehemiah was successful in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem and so it would be wise to follow his example and begin with prayer. 

Then we must participate.  I was in public school when they removed prayer.  I also attended church at that time and observed that at that time, many Christians did not believe it was important for Christians to be involved in politics, which probably contributed to the ease with which the government was able to remove prayer from public schools.  Fortunately, Christians have become involved in the political process since then.  This is most likely why the IRS is attacking conservative tax-exempt organizations in an attempt to silence opposition voices so they can push through their agenda as they did when they eliminated prayer from public schools.

It is imperative that conservatives continue to participate in the political process even though we are currently encountering major opposition.  We were able to win big in the 2010 election when we participated in huge numbers so we know we will be victorious again when we participate and make our voices heard in the next election.

Then we need to put our plans into action.  In the previous two postings, we explained three plans for reforming our tax code that will either curtail or even eliminate the IRS.  We need to begin flooding the emails, phones, and mail with letters to our representatives and senators urging them to reform our tax code.  As I stated earlier, I favor the implementation of a flat tax first since it is the easiest plan to implement and can be done quickly.  Eventually we need to follow this up with the repeal of the 16th amendment to the constitution making the income tax unconstitutional and then replacing the current income tax with a national sales tax or fair tax. 

In 2010, we also held massive rallies where thousands of people attended.  Even though the media tried to ignore and downplay these rallies, they got people’s attention and changed the outcome of the election.  We need to participate in rallies like these again to have victory in 2014.

We also have the August recess of the Congress and Senate coming up.  During that recess, many representatives and Senators will be conducting town hall meetings.  We need to show up at these meetings and let our voices be heard.  There may be opposition from unions like there was in 2010 but this only brings attention to the issues so we can use their attacks for our benefit.  When we pray, be sure to pray for the protection of those participating in rallies, contacting their representatives, and town hall meetings.

The current administration is attempting to destroy our wall of protection, the Constitution.  All of the current scandals of this administration involve their disregard of either our rights or their constitutional duty.  We must not let them continue in their attacks on our wall of defense and must begin repairing places where they have already breached our constitutional wall of protection (i.e. Obamacare). 

It is time for my fellow political avengers to rise up and vote these enemies of our Constitution out of office.  It is time for political avengers to show up at rallies and town hall meetings and express our disgust with the total disregard this administration has for our constitution by contacting our representatives.  It is time to take action using the three P’s.  

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