Saturday, September 14, 2013

If an Alien Visitor Landed in Our Country This Week, What Would He Say.

I am a science fiction fan and especially love the old science fiction movies.  One of my favorites is The Day the Earth Stood Still.  In case you have not seen the movie, it is about an alien spacecraft that lands in Washington DC.  The alien wants to speak with our nation’s leaders to warn them about what would happen if they continued with their current path.  If an alien had landed in Washington DC this week, imagine what they might have seen.

On September 10, they would have seen a large group of people that had traveled to DC from all over the country to petition their leaders to defund Obamacare.  The logical response of our visitor would be to ask someone what Obamacare is.  When our visitor did this, he would have been told it is a government takeover of the countries health care.  The alien might have at first thought that was not so bad until he discovered how much the program would cost, that the country was already heavily in debt, and that this program would cause the debt to grow as the government took on the responsibility for every citizen's health care.  Our alien visitor might have asked himself, do these people even know basic math?

Then on the next day, he would have witnessed a group of Muslims and bikers coming into the city.  Once again, our alien visitor would have asked them what they were doing in the city.  When he asked the bikers, he would have been told they were there to honor the people that died 12 years ago in a vicious attack on the country that caused the death of 3000 people.  The next logical question the visitor might have asked is who perpetrated the attack at which point the bikers would have told him it was a group of radical Muslims.

The visitor then would have gone over to the other group and asked what they were doing there.   Once the visitor determined that these people were Muslims, he might have surmised that these people will be easy to conquer because instead of standing up against their enemies, they allow them to protest on the 12-year anniversary of an attack, perpetrated by Muslims, on the country. 

Our visitor might have then asked to meet with our leader at which point he would have been introduced to President Obama.  Of course, the visitor would have soon discovered that Obama was busy with a situation in Syria and probably worried about missing his tee time.  Obama would have told the visitor that the leader of Syria used poison gas and killed some of his own people.  When the visitor inquired as to why a leader would do that, he would have discovered that there is currently a civil war going on in Syria. 

The next question might have been why is a civil war in another country thousands of miles away of interest to your country to which he would have been told that some of the victims were children and we were appalled at the brutality of the attack.  The visitor might have agreed until he discovered that the rebels attempting to overthrow the current Syrian government are part of the same group that had attacked our nation 12 years earlier, resulting in the murder of 300 people.

 If our alien visitor were to address our leaders he might tell them what happened on his world.  The visitor might say that on his world the people were once industrious but became lazy as opportunistic politicians took advantage of them by promising them they would provide everything for them only to run out of others people’s money to redistribute.  The result was total anarchy and a breakdown of civil society.  If only the leaders of the visitor’s world had established a budget and learned to live within it, they might not have run out of money.  Of course this would have required teaching individuals to become self-sufficient which would have resulted in the government not being able to control them.  Of course the government’s belief that they had control of the people was actually a myth for once the government could no longer provide all of people’s needs, society collapsed. 

The visitor might go on to tell how their enemies defeated his world because their leaders believed they could be the universe’s police force.  This led to them becoming involved in three wars and spreading their military so thin that their enemies could easily come in and take over their world.  He would caution our leaders that their primary concern is the safety of their own citizens and not involvement in wars with enemies that do not represent a viable threat to the citizens of the country. 

Our leaders have created a situation where 90,473,000 have totally given up looking for work and instead are reliant on the government to provide for their needs.  (1)  (2)  If we fail to reverse this trend and do not have a growing economy producing jobs for people, we will eventually run out of other people’s money to redistribute and face the prospect of a breakdown in our civil society. 

Our leaders must realize that we have enemies that want to kill us.  After the attack of 9/11 many were asking why they hate us.  The answer to that question is easy.  Radical Islamists hate anyone who is not Muslim and feel justified in murdering them, even if that involves killing themselves as the murders on 9/11 did.  The only way to have them like us is for everyone to convert to Islam, something that Christians, Jews, and even Atheists in our nation will never do.  There is credible evidence that Al Qaida supports the rebels in Syria and to assist them in defeating the Assad Regime in Syria might give them access to Syria’s chemical weapons, which could end up being used on us in a future 9/11 type attack.  (3) 

Unfortunately, there is no alien visitor to tell us what will happen if we continue on our present path so we must change course on our own.  That is why those of us that understand the dangers of the path on which our country is on need to vote for leaders that will change the direction of the country.  However, this is not enough, as we learned from the last election.  We therefore must take it upon ourselves to fill the role of the alien visitor and educate our friends, neighbors, and family what could occur if we fail to change the direction of the nation.   

Please join me Political Avengers in beginning this educational process. 

1. Jeffrey, Terence P. 90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force--Up Almost 10M Under Obama. [Online] CNS News, September 6, 2013. [Cited: September 6, 2013.]

2. —. 8,803,335: Another New Record for Disability—Up 975 Per Day Under Obama. [Online] CNS News, October 25, 2012. [Cited: October 27, 2012.]

3. Flynn, Mike. SENATE MAY VOTE TO FIGHT WITH AL-QAEDA ON 9/11. [Online] Breitbart News, September 6, 2013. [Cited: September 13, 2013.]

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