Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Southern Wall Protecting Free Enterprise, Commerce and the Economy:

One of the worst things that can occur in a civil society is an economic collapse.  A year ago we got a glimpse of what occurs during an economic collapse in Spain and Greece.  (1)  The people in Spain feared losing their wealth and began withdrawing their money from banks fearing the seizure of their money by the government to cover a potential insolvency situation. 

Insolvency occurs in a nation when it is no longer able to meet its financial obligations.  This situation is not something that occurs overnight but is usually years in the making.  It usually occurs because of reckless irresponsible government recklessly spending and borrowing money with no thought as to how it will be paid back in the future.  If the situation is not reversed, an economic collapse can occur and society is in danger of collapse. 

The collapse of an economy and society occurs in five stages

1)      The Decay Begins – Things are going good but the idea that everyone is entitled to have what others have earned begins to permeate society.  Those that have succeeded are made to feel guilty for their success
2)      The Slippery Slope – The once thriving economy begins a steadily increasing decline.  Unemployment is on the rise and an ever-increasing number of people begin receiving some form of government assistance. 
3)      It is going to Get Worse – A total collapse of the economy begins and the government implements price controls.  Unemployment exceeds 25% and violence increases as people begin to panic.  This is the state Spain found itself in a year ago when there was a run on their banks.
4)      The Grab for Power – As the economy totally collapses the nation’s infrastructure is seriously neglected and unreliable.  The government issues restrictive measures in an attempt to control the economy through the implementation of rationing due to massive shortages.
5)      Freedom, Liberty, and Independence is Lost – After all has failed, the government implements martial law and freedom, liberty, and independence are lost.  (2)

This may seem like an extreme scenario and many of you may believe this could not occur in the United States or America.  However, our country consists of people just like any other nation and as the economy begins to crumble around them, the people in the United States could, out of desperation, begin this slide into total collapse but there is still time to turn things around. 

At this point I believe we are beginning stage two, the slippery slope.  Despite what this administration tells us, our economy is not in a recovery.  Men are still 2.1 million jobs short of pre-recession levels (3)  and women are not fairing any better.  Minorities, the people this administration promised to help the most, are the hardest hit by this economy with black unemployment hitting 13%.  (4)  In August 63,000 Hispanics gave up looking for work.  (5)  These are hardly the signs of an economy in recovery as the administration would want us to believe. 

As the economy continues to stagnate and fall, more and more individuals move onto some form of government program just to survive.  Under this administration people on disability has increased 13% while food stamp enrollments have increased 39%.  (6)  Of course the administration cites the decrease in the percentage of people on unemployment but they quote the U3 number, which does not take into account those that have given up looking for work.  There were a record number of people not in the labor force at the end of August (90,473,000 to be exact).  This number has increased almost 10 million under Obama.  (7)  We would expect the U3 unemployment rate to decrease with this number of people giving up looking for work for if everyone were to give up looking for work, the U3 number would be zero.  The U6 unemployment rate, which counts those that have given up looking for work, currently stands at 13.7 % and has steadily remained between 14.6% and 13.6% for all of 2013.  (8)

These large numbers of people giving up on participating in the labor force and going on some form of government subsistence are precisely why we have a burgeoning debt and continued deficits.  As of September 25, the national debt is $16,740,664,750,174.77 or $52,856.88 per person in the United States.  (9)  This includes our children and grandchildren who are not even old enough yet to vote.  As our government continues to function without the constraints of a budget  (10)  there is nothing to stop them from running deficits year after year which will only increase the debt as the government continues to borrow to make up for shortfalls. 

However, there is still hope as I believe we are just beginning down the slippery slope and have time to end this slide.  This presents an excellent opportunity for the Republican Party and Conservatives to return to the landslide victories they enjoyed in the 1980’s.  I believe that many of the people that have given up looking for work would like to return to the workforce but have not been able to find a good paying job because businesses in this country are handcuffed by high taxes (The United States has the highest corporate income tax rate in the world).  (11)  Our corporations are also handcuffed by onerous regulations that are slated to increase massively with the full implementation of Obamacare.  Is it any wonder our companies are outsourcing to other countries where the economic environment is friendlier. 

The Republican Party has a reputation throughout its history of being pro-business but in recent years has shied away from that because the media portrays business as evil.  I say heck with what the media says.  We have millions of people in this country that have given up because of the lack of opportunity for them to find good paying jobs.  Let the media say Republicans are evil for being pro-business for the people that will be able to return to the workforce because business is thriving once again in our country will be overjoyed. 

The hard working people of this nation and not the government are what make our economy great.  It’s time we unleashed these hard working people and let them do what they do best, working hard in pursuit of their dreams and becoming self-sufficient once again.  The only thing holding them back is our intrusive government and its time for the government to liberate these hard working people by getting out of their way. 

1. Huff, Ethan A. Panic cash withdrawals in Spain drain banks; Greece-style economic implosion now imminent. [Online] NaturalNews, September 24, 2012. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

2. Meyer, David. Society's Five Stages of Economic Collapse. [Online] March 3, 2012. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

3. Hall, Wynton. MEN STILL 2.1 MILLION JOBS SHORT OF PRE-RECESSION LEVELS. [Online] Breitbart News, September 13, 2013. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

4. Nolte, John. BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT LEAPS TO 13%. [Online] Breitbart News, September 6, 2013. [Cited: September 6, 2013.]

5. Lee, Tony. 63,000 HISPANICS GAVE UP LOOKING FOR WORK DURING LA RAZA 'MONTH OF ACTION'. [Online] Breitbart News, September 6, 2013. [Cited: September 6, 2013.]

6. Hall, Wynton. FOOD STAMPS UP 39% UNDER OBAMA, DISABILITY UP 13%. FOOD STAMPS UP 39% UNDER OBAMA, DISABILITY UP 13%. [Online] Breitbart News, June 6, 2013. [Cited: July 16, 2013.]

7. Jeffrey, Terence P. 90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force--Up Almost 10M Under Obama. [Online] CNS News, September 6, 2013. [Cited: September 6, 2013.]

8. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization. [Online] September 6, 2013. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

9. U.S. National Debt Clock. [Online] September 25, 2013. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

10. Bremmer, Paul. PBS: ‘Congress Hasn’t Passed a Budget in Years,’ Fails to Call Out Democratic Senate. [Online] News Busters, March 22, 2013. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

11. Lance, Leonard. Leonard Lance claims U.S. has highest corporate tax rate in world. [Online] The Star Ledger. [Cited: September 24, 2013.]

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