Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Western Wall: Protecting the Right to Life

Last Wednesday we established a solid foundation upon which to build a strong Republican Party.  This week and in each of the next four weeks we will begin erecting the building of the Republican Party.  We will begin with the western wall, the wall protecting the citizens’ right to life. 

As we established earlier, the right to life involves protecting citizens of the nation from enemies outside and inside the nation.  The Federal Government is responsible for protecting our nation from enemies outside the nation.  Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution authorizes Congress to levy taxes to fund the defense of the nation.  (1)  Article 2 Section 2 of the Constitution makes the President the Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, and state militias when they are called up into the service of the Federal government.  (1) The judicial branch has no role when it comes to the military. 

These clauses were included in the constitution in order to protect the citizens’ right to life.  By having a strong military and strong local law enforcement, the citizens of the nation have a sense of security, which frees them up to pursue their own pursuits.  When the citizenry of the nation feels insecure as to their lives, they do not focus on their pursuits but on survival.  A nation focused on survival is not advancing but regressing. 

The current leadership of our country has been derelict in its duty of protecting the citizens’ right to life.  Because of out of control deficits the Congress and President agreed to a series of mandatory budget cuts known as sequestration.  (2)  The Department of Defense is hardest hit with 800,000 civilian employees facing possible unpaid leave.  According to Defense Secretary Panetta, these cuts “will result in a serious erosion of readiness across the force.”  (2) 

Perhaps the reality of the scope of these cuts became evident recently when the Pentagon claimed it does not have the money to fund an attack on Syria.  (3)  By making this statement, the Pentagon has told our nations enemies that it lacks funding to properly defend the country.  In other words, the country is ill prepared to protect the right to life of its citizens. 

On the local front, we have constant gang shootings in Chicago and other big cities in our nation.  However, instead of going after the perpetrators of these crimes, our Federal Government continues to focus on violating the second amendment right to bear arms.  However, this strategy does not make people safer for in cities where people can carry weapons, there is less violent crime not more.  (4)  In order for the citizens of our nation to feel secure in their lives, they must know that law enforcement will hunt down, arrest, and prosecute violent criminals.  The citizens also need to be permitted to carry weapons, a right that is protected by the second amendment of the Constitution. 

Then we must include our open borders where we have no idea who is coming into our country.  We have no idea if the current drug war in Mexico, where estimates say there have been 110,000 murders, (5) is spilling across into our country.  Then we can discuss the failures of our nation to provide security for our ambassador and staff in Benghazi.  Our government was told numerous times of the situation in Benghazi and requests were made for additional security.  Yet their requests fell on deaf ears, resulting in the needless death of our ambassador and three others. 

Finally, our government has been derelict in protecting the rights of the unborn.  Estimates say that 1.2 million babies are aborted every year.  (6)  I understand that those on the pro-choice side argue that it is a fetus and not a life.  Then I encourage them to explain how a child born at 24 weeks weighing only 9 ounces is now thriving.  (7)  Isn’t she a life?

It is obvious that our present leadership is failing to protect the right to life that our founders believed to be an inherent right of every person.  This is where the Republican Party has a tremendous opportunity to rebuild its crumbling west wall.  By running on a platform of a strong military dedicated to keeping the citizens of our country safe.  By supporting law and order in our cities including allowing citizens to arm themselves, securing our borders, and protecting the rights of the unborn in our country, we can win over those in our country that are interested in achieving success and enjoying the best life has to offer.. 

Next Wednesday we will look at how the Republican Party can win over voters by becoming the liberty party, dedicated to the protection of the liberties of the citizens of the United States. 

1. Hillsdale College. The Constitution of the United States of America. [book auth.] Hillsdale College. The U.S. Constitution: A Reader. Hillsdale MI : Hillsdale College Press, 2012.

2. Chokshi, Niraj. What Is Sequestration and What Does It Mean for Me? [Online] NationalJournal, May 30, 2013. [Cited: September 3, 2013.]

3. Gertz, Bill. Pentagon Can’t Afford Syria Operation; Must Seek Additional Funds. [Online] The Washington Free Beacon, August 30, 2013. [Cited: September 3, 2013.]

4. University of Chicago. An Interview with John R. Lott, Jr. [Online] the University of Chicago. [Cited: September 3, 2013.]

5. Darby, Brandon. EXPERT: MEXICAN MURDER NUMBERS LIKELY DOUBLE FORMER ESTIMATES. [Online] breitbart News, September 3, 2013. [Cited: September 4, 2013.]

6. Enriquez, Lauren. Abortion Statistics: 1.2 Million Babies Die Every Year From Abortions. [Online], July 1, 2013. [Cited: September 4, 2013.]

7. Gayle, Damien. 'She's a little miracle': Baby born at 24 weeks weighing just 9oz becomes world's third smallest to survive. [Online] The Daily Mail, December 16, 2011. [Cited: September 4, 2013.]

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