Saturday, November 16, 2013

Beware of Democrat Trojan Horses

A long long time ago in a place called the Senate, a young Jedi knight, Ted Cruz stood up for 21 hours warning the citizens of the emperor’s devious plan known as Obamacare.  After Cruz's 21-hour speech, the emperor’s minions, and even some of those supposedly in Ted Cruz’s side lambasted him claiming his claims were false and that Obamacare would be great for the citizens.  However, as the emperor’s devious plan was unveiled, the citizens began to realize that the young Jedi was indeed right and there was unrest in the realm.

This would be a very entertaining story if it were just a story but unfortunately, it is the truth even though it  may seem like it happened a long long time ago, it has occurred in less than two months.  If only we had heeded the warning of our young Jedi Ted Cruz and defunded or delayed the devious plan of emperor Obama, maybe five million people would not have lost their health insurance.  (1)  Now, the emperor, fearing an electoral rebellion in the realm in 2014, is attempting to fix the problem by offering to let people keep their illegal plans.  This may seem like he is admitting Ted Cruz was right but the emperor’s gift is actually a Trojan Horse. 

Even before Obama’s comments, Republican Congressman Upton, the same congressman that banned the incandescent light bulb (2) was proposing legislation allowing people to keep their health insurance plans if they liked them.  On the other side of Capital Hill, Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu and many of other Democrats in the Senate are proposing their own legislation.  Their purpose is to prevent Republicans from gaining a majority in the Senate in the 2014 election, which would result in Harry Reid losing his position as majority leader.  However, unlike the Upton legislation, the Landrieu legislation does have teeth.  (3) 

The teeth involve a little known provision in Obamacare that contains a partial bailout for insurers with losses greater than 3 percent in any of the first three years.  (4)  With Obama now allowing people to keep their plans and with the fact that insurers know they will receive a bailout when they lose money reinstating these plans, the fix is in place.  This is why I refer to these apparent gifts to conservatives as a Trojan Horse eventually costing taxpayers potentially billions of dollars. 

This Trojan Horse could also result in the implementation of single payer in three years as well.  This is because the bailouts end after three years and if insurers are still required to sell these cheaper plans while still having to cover people with preexisting conditions, they will still be losing money.  However, without the protection of government bailouts, these companies will no doubt go broke. 

Under this scenario, people will once again be losing their insurance plans since their insurer will go out of business.  However, this time, they will have nowhere to go since all but a few insurers will remain in the market.  With less competition in the market, premiums will rise along with deductibles and copays.  Of course this scenario is perfect for those wanting single payer, with the government being the single payer. 

Opportunistic Alinskyites that cannot let a crisis go to waste will step in to save the day by providing free health coverage through the government.  Of course anyone with any commonsense left understands that nothing from government is free.  Government run single payer health care will come at the expense of decreased liberty, higher taxes, and rationed care. 

I am therefore urging the Republicans in the House and Senate to reject both the Upton and Landrieu bills by revealing to the public the Trojan Horse imbedded in these pieces of legislation.  They also need to inform the public about the unconstitutionality of the President’s actions.  Granted, the President's actions may temporarily fix the problem of those losing their insurance but they will have a detrimental long-term effect on insurance markets.  This will eventually lead to the collapse of the private insurance market and the implementation of government run single payer health insurance. 

I urge everyone reading this to go back and look at what Ted Cruz was trying to say in his 21-hour speech.  Obamacare is a disaster and the only solution to the problem is a complete repeal of the legislation.  However, I am not foolish and understand that the current Harry Reid run Senate will not even consider repeal legislation and even if they did, Obama would never sign the legislation. 

This is why Ted Cruz was proposing defunding and delay of the legislation.  Even though his words fell on deaf ears and were ignored by RINO Republicans in the Senate, things have now changed as the American People have experienced first-hand the disastrous train wreck of Obamacare.  Since Ted Cruz’s speech, the American People have experienced the incompetency of their government to develop a simple ecommerce website even after spending $634 million.  (5)

Proponents of Obamacare were quick to claim that the $634 million figure was high citing that the contract with CGI only totaled $93 million.  (6)  However, the $634 million figure also includes the cost of a massive data hub, call centers, network security, training and support, financial management systems and all other information technology services that support the website.  (5)

Since Ted Cruz offered his warning on Obamacare, we have seen an estimated five million people lose their health insurance coverage (1) and being turned over to an overpriced website that does not work and when it does offers them plans costing more than what they had.  (7)  The chance to defund, delay, or even repeal this disaster has never been better. 

I urge conservatives in the Tea Party and political avengers reading this posting to once again flood the emails and phone lines of Congress calling for defund or delay of this legislation before the end of the year.  We must do this before December 31 for after then, people will begin filing their 2013 income taxes and either be fined for not having health insurance or receive a subsidy if their income is below the threshold.  If delay or defunding occurs after December 31, people will either have to file an amended tax return to get back any fines assessed on their tax return or receive a letter from the IRS telling them their subsidy was declined. 

Ted Cruz has been proven right even beyond what many of us could have expected.  Let us not let his efforts go to waste for there is still time to end this disastrous train wreck before it is too late. 

1. Roy, Avik. The Obamacare Exchange Scorecard: Around 100,000 Enrollees And Five Million Cancellations. [Online] Forbes, November 12, 2013. [Cited: November 16, 2013.]

2. Erickson, Erick. Just Say No to Fred Upton. [Online] Red State, November 9, 2010. [Cited: November 16, 2013.]

3. —. Yes, It’s a Trap. [Online] Red State, November 16, 2013. [Cited: November 16, 2013.]

4. Freddoso, David. Now we find out what’s in it: Obamacare’s taxpayer bailout for health insurers - See more at: [Online] Conservative Intelligence Briefing, October 25, 2013. [Cited: November 16, 2013.]

5. Flahos, Kelly. Just how much did cost? [Online] Fox News, October 11, 2013. [Cited: November 16, 2013.]

6. Kessler, Glenn. How much did cost? [Online] The Washington Post, October 24, 2013. [Cited: November 16, 2013.]

7. Coca, Onan. Obamacare Fans Get Sticker Shock. [Online] Eagle Rising, October 9, 2013. [Cited: October 29, 2013.]

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