Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Strong Nation is Built on Strong Godly, Moral, and Virtuous Principles:

I work in the downtown area of Phoenix Arizona.  Like most big cities in our country, there are several tall buildings in the downtown area.  The tallest building in downtown Phoenix is the Chase Building, which is 40 stories tall.  These tall building stand in spite of the numerous dust storms and high winds that hit Phoenix regularly as they do all cities built in the middle of a dessert.  I have lived in Phoenix since 1964 and in that time none of the tall buildings in downtown Phoenix has ever fallen down because they are built on a solid foundation.

Likewise, our nation was founded on a solid foundation.  Not a foundation of the documents of the Declaration of Independence or Constitution for as documents, they are merely words written on paper.  No, our nation was foundation on the Godly principles mentioned in those documents.  Unfortunately, we now find ourselves at a time in our nation where these Godly principles are challenged and we find the solid foundation upon which our nation was founded being weakened.  Just as a tall building would fall in a storm if its foundation is weakened, our nation is now in danger of falling as its once solid foundation continues to be weakened. 

The founders of our nation warned us frequently of the potential fall of our nation if its moral Godly foundation crumbled.  John Adams said the following:

[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.  The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.  (1)

[W]e have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.  (1)

The moment the idea is admitted into society, that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.  If "Thou shalt not covet," and "Thou shalt not steal," were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society, before it can be civilized or made free.  (1)

John Adams understood that a people free to elect their leaders who were not living their lives under the guardrails of Godly morality and virtue would elect leaders to office that would not honor the sacredness others property.  They would then be able to force people to surrender their property to government through governmental taxation and regulation and have it redistributed to them. 

For example, there are several cases coming to the Supreme Court this year that involve whether a Christian based company can be required to offer health insurance to their employees that covers contraceptives and abortion inducing drugs.  (2)  The reason this is even an issue is because we have a large segment of our population living immoral lives and as a result, they have unwanted pregnancies.  This voting block is able to elect leaders that pass legislation (i.e. Obamacare) that requires Christian based companies, and their employees, to cover their immoral lifestyles by paying higher health insurance premiums.  They see no problems with outsourcing thievery to the government to pay for their contraceptives and abortions. 

The Republican establishment always scolds conservatives that speak up on social issues such as abortion or gay marriage.  They tell conservatives to dwell on the economy and jobs for people vote with their pocket books.  I have one thing to say to the Republican establishment, social issues do affect the economy.  Faith based companies facing higher health insurance premiums will either close their doors, raise their prices, cut wages, or cut hours to pay for these increased expenses. 

Gay marriage is also an economic issue for the main reason gay couples want gay marriage legalized is so they can file a federal tax return as a married couple, which carries the lowest tax rate.  In addition, low-income gay couples will qualify for a larger Earned Income Tax Credit.  In addition, it will not take long for people of the same sex who may not be gay to figure out they can obtain a marriage license and file taxes as a married couple.  Of course this reduction in tax revenue will have to be made up by either raising taxes or cutting spending.  With big government liberals and RINO’s in power, which choice to you think they will make.  Once again, this social issue will have an economic effect on us all. 

It does not matter what the issue is, there is always an economic component, and usually when we determine the economic component, we discover the truth behind the issue.  For example, the environmental movement is not about saving the planet but about fleecing the producers in our country of their wealth and transferring it to environmental wackos in the form of research grants.  Once again there is an economic component in their agenda. 

Our country was founded and became great because moral and virtuous leaders governed it.  Granted our leaders have not been perfect and have had problems but for the most part, they have governed this country according to a firm moral foundation.  However, as a nation we have abandoned our moral compass and removed the guardrails of morality from our nation.  This has left a leadership void in our country that has been filled with immoral politicians interested only in staying in power, voted in by a people that have also lost their moral compass and are only interested in the goodies promised to them by their government. 

Fortunately, not all of us have lost our moral compass and these are the people I am talking to now.  It is time for us to speak up for what we believe in and ignore those trying to tell us to ignore the social issues and focus on the money (i.e. jobs and the economy).  There is nothing wrong with money but we must remember that money is only temporary.  Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount urged us to store up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-20).  We can build these treasures in heaven by giving money to our churches but I also believe we build treasures in heaven when we point people back to the Godly moral foundation that made our country great.  When we point people back to this solid foundation, we will begin to end this death spiral of dependency we currently are on as a nation. 

1. Wall Builder. Importance of Morality and Religion in Government . [Online] Wall Builders, January 2000. [Cited: October 30, 2013.]

2. Geidner, Chris. 11 Supreme Court Cases That Could Change The U.S. In The Coming Year. [Online] BuzzFeed Politics, October 6, 2013. [Cited: November 5, 2013.]

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