Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Chamberlain, Churchill Revisited

By:  Dale Weckbacher

Deuteronomy 4:9
Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly people and nations of the world forget lessons from history.  We quickly forget the accomplishments of great leaders and the ruthless and diabolical acts of ruthless dictators from the past.  Understanding the short memories of people, God encouraged his people to remember the miraculous manner in which he delivered them from their Egyptian slaveholders and to teach their children.  However, all one has to do is go forward in scripture to the Book of Judges and see that the people of Israel failed to heed this advice. 

Fast forward to our time today and once again we are witnessing a failure to listen to what history tells us, this time placing the whole world in danger.  World leaders like President Obama believe just their well thought words and negotiations will somehow turn the regime in Iran into a peaceful regime.  They somehow believe it is possible to transform the regime of Iran, a regime vowing to eliminate the nation of Israel (1) and anyone disagreeing with Islam into accepting Israel’s right to survive.  Somehow, the Obama regime believes allowing a country issuing these threats to develop nuclear weapons along with the ICBM’s, able to deliver these weapons anywhere in the world is in the best interest of peace.  Isn’t it interesting that these same people believe we should not have the right to own a gun with which to defend ourselves. 

However, this is nothing new for we have seen this movie before.  In the 1930’s Neville Chamberlain believed that the best way to deal with the emerging threat of Adolf Hitler was a strategy of appeasement.  After meeting with Hitler numerous times, Chamberlain returned with the Munich Agreement claiming there would be peace in our time.  (2)  However, the situation in Europe quickly eroded with Hitler invading Czechoslovakia.  Chamberlain’s promise of peace in our time quickly eroded into war.  (3)

However, one voice, Winston Churchill proclaimed the Munich Agreement “a total, unmitigated defeat.”  (3)  Churchill’s statement became prophetic after Hitler broke the agreement and led to the election of Churchill as British Prime Minister on May 10, 1940.  (4)  Churchill understood that the only way to deal with diabolical tyrannical leaders like Hitler was a show of force.  Prime Minister Churchill’s courageous commitment to the use of force helped defeat the axis powers of Germany and Italy and brought about peace. 

Unfortunately, today we are seeing the mistakes of Chamberlain being repeated in the current negotiations between Iran and the United States only this time there is the possibility that a tyrannical regime may come into possession of dangerous nuclear weapons along with the delivery system to threaten any nation in the world.  Just as Israel failed to learn how God would miraculously deliver and care for them, our leaders today believe they can accomplish Chamberlain’s pipedream of peace in our time through appeasement.  Fortunately, however, a modern day Churchill has emerged on the scene, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. 

In his speech to Congress Netanyahu emphasized the reality of the threat posed by a nuclear Iran.  Netanyahu understands that the threats from Iran are not just empty words that we can take lightly.  Like Churchill, he also knows that peace through appeasement when dealing with brutal regimes demonstrates weakness and will only lead to war.  Peace from regimes like Iran only comes through a show of force that threatens the regime with annihilation.  
The world cannot afford a replay of the Chamberlain Churchill situation that led to World War II for the destructive power of modern weaponry could lead to quick and massive destruction by the time the military is ramped up to respond.  We cannot sit back hoping appeasement will change radical Islamists who want nothing else then to see the little Satan of Israel and the big Satan of the United States eliminated.  Instead, we need to ramp up our military now in order to show strength as opposed to showing the weakness of appeasement. 

Fortunately, the people of Israel understand the seriousness of the situation and reelected the Churchill of our time, Netanyahu to office.  Voters in the United States must follow the lead of the voters in Israel and elect a leader like Churchill for President in 2016.  We must elect a leader committed to demonstrating the strength of preparedness and not the weakness of appeasement to radical Islam.  We can only hope the voters in the United States learn from the lessons of Chamberlain and Churchill and not repeat their mistakes. 

1. IDF Lt. Col. (ret) Michael (Mickey) Segall, Daniel Rubinstein. Op-Ed: 20 Threats Made by Iran Against Israel in 2013. [Online] Aruts Sheva (, January 3, 2014. [Cited: March 22, 2015.]

2. Wolfmanwill. Neville Chamberlain - Peace in our Time. [Online] YouTube, November 15, 2010. [Cited: March 22, 2015.]

3. Hickman, Kennedy. World War II: Munich Agreement. [Online] About Education. [Cited: March 22, 2015.]

4. Churchill becomes prime minister. [Online] History Channel. [Cited: March 22, 2015.]

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