Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Courage or Fear, You Decide


By:  Dale Weckbacher


Text:  Joshua 1:1-9


Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”



We will resume our study in the book of Acts next Wednesday and wanted to use this post to share some thoughts on this day after the election in the United States.  As of my writing of this post, the results of the Presidential election remain uncertain.  We should not be surprised at uncertainty during the presidential election of 2020 for the entire year has been one of uncertainty.  Times of uncertainty in life cause us to sit at the crossroads of either responding in fear or responding with courage.  The text of Joshua 1:1-9 indicates that God wants his people to react with courage for the text tells Joshua to be courageous three times (Joshua 1:6; 7; 9).  In 2 Timothy 1:7, The apostle Paul reminds Timothy that fear is not from God with God giving us power (Acts 1:8), love (John 3:16), and self-control or soundness of mind. 


I find it sad to see the United States, a nation that stood up to Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor, that stood up to radical terrorism after 911, now cowering in fear of a virus and condemning President Trump.  who had this virus and courageously fought it with the help of his doctors encouraging people and giving hope just like Roosevelt did after Pearl Harbor and President Bush after 911.  What saddens me the most is to see many condemning the courageous leadership of President Trump and giving their vote to a man who ran for president from his basement in fear.  I want to challenge my fellow Americans to find hope in courage and not live lives of despair dominated by fear for fear is a liar. 


The United States and the world face many challenges.  Joshua too faced many challenges and most likely had some fear as he began leading Israel into the Promised Land.  He most likely remembered his last trip into the Promised Land and the fear of the 10 spies returning with a bad report (Numbers 13).  Joshua was at the side of Moses during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness and witnessed the rebellion of the people, perhaps wondering if this next generation accompanying him would succumb to fear like their parents.  This is why God told Joshua three times to remain strong and courageous. 


No matter how the election turns out in the United States, God’s people must remain courageous.  This does not mean the abandonment of wisdom in taking precautions against sickness, injury, or death, but that we remain courageous while taking these precautions.  If I must wear a mask while going to work to provide for mine and my family’s needs, I will do so with courage.  I will courageously take precautions while going to the store, taking my family out for a meal, and worshiping my Lord at Church and not imprison myself in fear at home.  These are perilous times and not a time to cower in fear, but a time to stand in courage.  May God bless everyone reading this post. 


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